Chapter Nine: Magna Defender & Silver Guardian

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[Angelo Morgan]

I was following Leo, as he is Morphed and going towards the cave where he last saw Mike.

I didn't mean to stalk him, but I was worried when he suddenly left without saying anything. I was Morphed, and hiding behind some of the terrain.

"This is where I last saw Mike." Leo said, as he made his way into the cave.

I followed him into the cave.


I was following Leo, and it seems like we're not the only ones here.

"Red and White Rangers! Once again you show up uninvited!" Furio said. "Huh? What?" Leo said, he turned around and saw me. "Angelo? What are you doing here?" He asked.

I went and stood next to him. "You suddenly left, without telling anyone. I was worried, so I followed you." I told Leo. I turned towards Furio. "But, anyway! What are you doing here, Furio!" I demanded. Leo and I held our Quasar Sabers.

"I am about to end our rivalries, once and for all!" Furio said. We ran towards Furio, and started fighting him. Our weapons clashed, as we kept dodging and attacking.

Leo and I were pushed back. We kicked Furio, knocking him back, and attacked him with our Quasar Sabers.

"Neither one of us will have the Lights of Orion!" Furio said, he drops his sword, and begins to self-destruct. "This is our final battle!" He said.

Furio ran towards us, and grabbed onto us. "We're going down, together!" He said, and exploded.



Magna Defender and I were holding the two Rangers, who were in the cave.

Magna Defender was holding the Red Ranger over his shoulder, while I was holding the White Ranger behind my back. We were walking out of the cave.

"Who are they?" The Pink Ranger asked. "They've got Leo and Angelo!" The Yellow Ranger said.

Both Magna Defender and I placed Leo and Angelo safely on the ground.

"Leo! Angelo!" The Blue Ranger called.

Magna Defender and I look towards the other Rangers.


[3rd Person]

Leo was dreaming, he dreamt of the Magna Ranger who was carrying him, picturing him as Mike.

Leo soon woke up, he was wrapped in bandages. "Leo, you're awake!" Alpha 6 said, seeing him awake.

Leo gets up from the table.

"Where do you think you're going?" Alpha 6 asked, he went towards Leo.

"He needs me." Leo said, and got out of the table.

"But you're not ready yet." Alpha 6 said. "And Angelo still hasn't woken up." He said.

"Angelo?" Leo asked, he remembered Angelo following him into the cave. His eyes widened, and looks at Alpha 6. "Alpha, where's Angelo?" He asked.

"He's right over there." Alpha 6 said, pointing towards Angelo who was on the table unconscious.

Leo quickly went towards Angelo. "Angelo." He said, he grabbed Angelo's right hand, and saw something happened.

Angelo's right side has all of his gold spots revealed. The gold spot glowed when Leo grabbed his hand.

Leo let go of Angelo's hand, and the gold spots stopped glowing. He was shocked, and it was very evident on his face. "Alpha, what just happened?" He asked.

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