Chapter Four: Rookie in Red

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[Angelo Morgan]

Kendrix and I were in a room, the two of us were at a table monitoring the conditions of the plants.

Kai was explaining to Leo about GSA. "These rare specimen, will be planted in the Forest Zone. The temperature and humidity has to be constant." Kai explained to Leo.

I was monitoring on a screen, and someone suddenly covered my eyes. "Guess who?" The guy asked. I chuckled, "Kai?" I asked. "Nope." The guy said, he lifted his hand away from my eyes. I turned around from my seat, and saw Leo. "It's me." Leo said, smiling. "Leo, hey." I greeted with a smile, than I realized something, "Wait, why are you here?" I asked.

"Leo was recruited into the GSA, he's currently undergoing training with Kai." Kendrix told me. "Surprise." Leo told me, and laughed. I laughed as well, "So, how's the training coming?" I asked.

"Badly!" Kai said, he went towards Leo, "He has trouble focusing. Come on." He said, and the two of them left. Before Leo left, he gave me a wink and followed Kai.

I chuckled. "You like him." Kendrix said. I turn towards my sister, "Really? I haven't notice." I jokingly said. The two of us laughed, and went back to what we were doing.


Kai, Kendrix and I are now walking outside of the building. Kai was ranting about Leo's irresponsibility, but Kendrix and I knows that he's just jealous.

"He has no respect for the rules. He's late to everything. His uniform is always wrinkled." Kai ranted, "I'm gonna tell the commander to let somebody else train him." He said. Kendrix sighed, "Kai, don't you think you're overreacting? So he's a little undisciplined, so he doesn't follow the rules perfectly." She said.

"But when it really matters he comes through no matter what." I said, "Also, I think you're too strict about the rules." I added. Kendrix nodded, agreeing with me, "Maybe, just maybe. You're a little jealous?" She told Kai.

"Jealous?!" Kai exclaimed, he starts walking away, Kendrix and I follow him, "Why? Just because he scored high on the written test? Or because he shot you all three bullseyes?" He questioned, he turned towards us, "I couldn't care less." He said.

I lean towards Kendrix, "He just listed the things he's jealous about." I whispered. Kendrix nodded, agreeing with me.

Suddenly a thunderstorm appeared. "Wow, now that's a thunderstorm!" Kendrix said. "I'll say!" I said. "There's no rain scheduled for- Leo." Kai said, and went away.

Kendrix and I laughed, shaking our heads as the two of us watches the thunderstorm.


Maya, Kendrix and I got to our room. Kai and Damon were at the computers.

"What's the emergency?" Maya asked, when we reached there. "Scorpius, he stole all the weapons from the GSA Weapons Dome." Kai told us.

Damon found something, "There they are, at the Power Plant." He told us. "Let's go!" Kai said.

The five of us left the room.


The five of us appeared at the Power Plant, Morphed. Leo was already there, and Morphed.

"There they are!" Kendrix said. Leo was flipped over, he fell to the ground. We went towards him. "Leo, are you all right?" I asked. "I will be as soon as I get what I came for!" Leo said, standing back up.

"let me handle this, Leo!" Kai said, stopping Leo, he turn towards the monsters, "Hand over those weapons, now!" He demanded. "I'm afraid, I can't do that! Stingers!" Horn yelled. The Stingwingers got out their stingers. "Get them!" Horn ordered.

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