Chapter Seven: Double Duty

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[Angelo Morgan]

I was in the training room, with Kai and Kendrix.

"Come on, Kai. Let's see what you got." Kendrix said. I was sitting at the side watching them. Kendrix attacks Kai and knocks him into the mat. "No pain, no gain." Kendrix said, while panting tiredly. "Okay, that's enough for today." Kai said, and he got up.

I went towards Kendrix, and hands her a water bottle. "Great job, sis." I said. "Thanks." Kendrix said, she grabbed the water bottle and drinks the water. "You mean, you're of hitting the mat." I said to Kai. "No." Kai said, pointing at me. "I mean, I have other things to do today." He said, and wrap a towel around his neck.

"Uh-huh." Kendrix said, nodding. "Mm-hmm." I hummed, nodding. "And I'm a little tired to hit the mat." Kai admitted. Kendrix and I shouted victoriously, Kai threw a pink towel at Kendrix, and a white towel at me.

Leo, Damon and Maya came into the room. "Hey, Angelo. Kendrix." Leo greeted, and we greeted him back. "I didn't know you two were movie stars." He said, he showed us a magazine with two people who looks exactly like us. Everyone gathered. I grabbed the magazine.

"She-she looks like me." Kendrix said. "And he looks like me." I said. "They do." Maya said, looking at Kai than back at the magazine. "Check out the cover." Leo told me, he flips towards the cover of the magazine.

The people who looks like Kendrix and I were twins. Carolyn Pickets and Karl Pickets.


The six of us arrived at the area, where Carolyn and Karl were having their photoshoot.

Kai check the magazine. "That's them right there, isn't this great?" He asked us, and got out of the vehicle. "I think I'll stay here." Kendrix said. "Me too." I said.

The others went out of the vehicles, Kendrix slowly walks out. I was still sitting in the vehicle. Leo saw me, he grabs my hand. "Come on, it'll be fun." He said, and pulled me with him.

The camera exploded, and we saw a monster. "Hey, stop!" I yelled. "Hold it right there!" Kendrix yelled. The six of us begin running towards them. "I don't think so!" Wisewizard said, he attached something to both my and Kendrix's legs. Kendrix and I were atatcked.

Everyone came towards us. "Kendrix! Angelo!" Kai called worriedly. "Are you two all right?" Leo asked, he crouched down and held me. "My leg." Kendrix said, rubbing her leg. "It hurts." I said, rubbing my leg. Wisewizard soon left.

"Can you two stand?" Damon asked. "Yeah, yeah, I think we're okay now." Kendrix said. "We'll manage." I said. Everyone helped lift us up.

[3rd Person]

The agent helped Carolyn and Karl up. "Are you two hurt?" He asked. "No." Carolyne dismissed. "We're fine." Karl said.

Carolyn and Karl look at each other, the both of them thought of the same thing. "Oh, ow, ow." Both Pickets said, they slowly falls down onto the ground. "What is it? Carolyn, Karl. Are you two okay?" The agent asked.

The Rangers got to where they were. "Are they hurt?" Kai asked. "I sure hope not." The agnet said. "Are you two hurt?" He asked the Pickets. "Yes! Our ankles." Carolyn and Karl said.

"Hey, that's them!" Damon said. "Wow, they really do look like you." Kai said. The agent looks over to Kendrix and Angelo, he slowly stood up while looking at the two. "You do. You look exactly the same." He said. The agent took off Kendrick's glasses, while brushes Angelo's hair behind to make it look slick. "It's uncanny." He said.

The agent gasped, he snaps his fingers. "You two could take their place." He told Kendrix and Angelo. "What?!" Carolyn exclaimed, she stood up. The agent looks back at her. Karl grabbed his sister's arm, and Carolyn slowly sat back down while saying "ow".

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