Chapter Two: Quasar Quest, Part 2

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Angelo POV

Mike, Maya, Kendrix and I are walking through a jungle, as we held our weapons.

"You didn't mention you had a little brother." Kendrix said to Mike.

"Yeah, he's a handful." Mike said.

"You're sorta hard on him, don't you think?" I said.

"Well, I don't mean to be." Mike said. "Sometime Leo does the craziest things, I just want to make sure he's okay."

"Yeah." Kendrix said, as both her and I pats his shoulder.

And we continue walking through the jungle.


We were hiding behind the bushes, as Leo got pushed back by the monsters.

We shushed him, so we wouldn't be found.

"I told you not to follow us." Mike whispered.

"But I-" Leo said.

Maya saw that there were no more monsters. "Let's go." She said, we got up, and continue making our way.


We arrived where at Maya's home, and Maya stops a monster who seems to be the footsoldier's leader.

"Don't touch him!" Maya shouted.

"And who is going to stop me?" Furio questions, as we appeared.

"All of us, that's who." Leo said.

"Just the five of you? Ha!" Furio said.

"Wrong!" Kai said, as him and a guy in a green jumpsuit appears. "The seven of us."

"Attack!" Furio ordered, and the Stingwingers starts to attack.

"Come on, guys. Let's go!" Leo said, and we began fighting the Stingwingers.

During the fight Mike was able to pull out one of the saber from the stone, and was able to attack Furio.

All of us, except for Leo regroup with Mike.

"Guys?" He said.

"Give me that Saber, and I won't destroy you!" Furio said, with a bunch of Stingwingers around him.

"Should we try?" Kendrix asks, and Mike nodded.

We turn around, and grabs onto a saber, and we pulled it out at the same time. Mine was next to Kendrix.

Everyone around us gasped.

"The Quasar Sabers." The Elder Jera said.

"We've been chosen." Maya said, as she look at us.

"If I can't have the sabers, then no one will!" Furio yelled, he hits the ground with his sword, and the ground starts to change.

We saw Leo ran to us.

"Look out!" Kai shouted, as we started running.

Maya turns back around, and look at Jera. Mike stops her.

"Run, Maya! Run!" Jera said, and he froze.

"Come on, we gotta get outta here!" Mike said, and we ran.

"Hurry!" I shouted.

"It's catching up to us!" Kendrix said.

We continue running, but was stopped by the monsters as they appeared in front of us.

"Did you really believe you could run away from me?" Furio said. "Never!" He shouted, and hits the ground with his sword.

"Get out of it's way!" Mike shouted, as we got pushed to the side, but he was still at the middle, and he fell.

"Mike!" Leo shouted, and ran over to him.

Next thing we know, the ground closes after Mike fell into it.

"No!" Kendrix, Kai and I exclaimed.

"Mike!" Maya and Damon exclaimed.

The five of us regrouped with Leo, after we got out of the Stingwingers' grip.

"Well, come on! What are you waiting for? Or do you need an invitation?" Furio questions.

Leo held his Quasar Saber, and it lights up with Red light. We look at our Quasar Sabers, and it lights up with our colors.

"What? The Quasar Sabers are more powerful then I thought!" Furio said.

We look at each other, Leo nodded, and we held our Quasar Sabers up, as lightning strikes, and we Morphed.

"What in the Galaxy is this?" Furio questions.

We got into our fighting stance.

"Interesting." Furio said.

All of us look at our new forms.

"Awesome!" I said.

"Wow!" Kendrix said.

"This is unbelievable!" Damon said.

"I've never felt such power!" Leo said.

"All right!" Kai said.

"Yeah!" Maya said.

"Silly costumes won't help against my power!" Furio said.

"Why don't we just find out about that?" Leo said. "All right guys, this one's for Mike!" He said.

"Stingwingers destroy them!" Furio ordered.

All of us begin fighting.

We were able to defeat most of the Stingwingers, as Leo fights with Furio.

"Watch out!" Kai shouted, as we saw the corruption heading our way.

"Not good!" I exclaimed.

"Oh no! It's here already!" Kendrix exclaimed.

"Come on!" Kai shouted, as we begin making our way to safety.

"Come on guys! Hurry up!" Kai shouted, as we regrouped.

"Guys go! I'll hold up the Stingwingers!" Leo shouted, as we ran.

"No! We all go!" Kai shouted, and they ran.

All of us continue running as we were being chased, and got onto the space shuttle.

We all took off our helmets, got into the command room, and look around.

"Wow." Kendrix said.

"Amazing." I said.

"Aye Aye Aye, I can't believe it! The Power Rangers are back!" Alpha 6 said. "This is too good to be true!"

"Everybody, hold on!" Damon said, and we took off.

"Oh no!" Alpha 6 exclaimed.

"What is it, Alpha?" Kai asked.

"The portal's closing!" Alpha replied.

"Hold on!" Damon said, as the speed went up and we got through the portal.

I was standing next to Leo and Maya.

"I can't believe it, do you know what this means?" Maya asks. "Those swords the Quasar Sabers were put in that rock three thousand years ago, every warrior in the Galaxy tried to free them. But none could. Until now." She said. "We've been given an unbelievable opportunity and responsibility to defend all that is just and right in the universe. "Don't you see? We've been chosen." She said, and look at us. "To be Power Rangers."


Eventually we got back to Terra Venture.

Kai, Kendrix and I sneak into the room, where Commander Stanston was preparing for the lift off.

"What do you say, we see the Galaxy." Commander Stanton said, as the counter reaches zero. "Fire thruster. Let's go find a new world."

And our adventure of finding a new world begins.

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