Chapter Eight: The Blue Crush

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[Angelo Morgan]

The six of us were Morphed, we went towards the monster Quakemaker.

"Stop right there!" Leo shouted. "You're in the wrong place, in the wrong time!" He said. "I'm pretty sure any monsters following Scorpius are always in the wrong place, in the wrong time!" I said.

"I don't think you understand your predicament! Stingwingers attack!" Quakemaker ordered, and a bunch of Stingwingers appeared. The six of us ran towards the Stingwingers and begin fighting them.

Leo fought against Quakemaker, while the rest of us fought against the Stingwingers. I used martial arts to attack the Stingwingers, I grabbed one Stinginger jumped onto the tree and threw it at the other Stingwingers.

"You! Come here, I've got something for ya!" Quakemaker said. "Yeah, what?" Damon questioned. "This!" Quakemaker said, he attack us but we dodged it. "So you wanna play games? Well, you're playing with lightning!" Maya said, she was about to attack, but Kai got in front of her and he ran towards Quakemaker with his Cosmo Claw. "Kai, wait!" Maya shouted.

Kai jumped towards Quakemaker and attacked him. We regrouped with Kai. Quakemaker fell, and he stood back up. "I'm outta here! You're too late to stop my handiwork anyway!" He said, and ran away.

"Wait! What were you doing?" Kai questioned. Quakemaker was already gone. "Where'd he go?" Maya asked. "I don't know, he's just gone. Would you mind? I was in the middle of something!" Kai said, and he ran off.

"Kai, are you all right?" Damon asked. "No, I'm not all right! I'm great!" Kai said, he gave us a thumbs up and jumped excitedly.

"What's gotten into him?" Maya asked.


The six of us are now in our GSA Room with Jodie. kai was preparing lunch.

"Whoa, you go girl." Damon said, as the five of us were watching the video-tape of Jodie skating. Jodie giggled. "You're pretty good." Maya complimented. "You're a natural." I said.

Suddenly the video-tape focused on a girl. "Hey, Kai. Who's that?" Leo asked. "What happened to me?" Jodie asked, now feeling disappointed. Jodie fast forward the video-tape, and we saw that it was still focused on the girl. "What? She's on the whole tape." She said.

Kai brought food over. "All right, let me at it." Damon said. Kai pulls off the cover, and we saw that the food is burnt. "Are those pancakes?" Jodie asked. "They look really weird." Kendrix said. Maya grabbed one. "Are they supposed to be rock-hard?" She asked.

"Those are not pancakes." I said, shaking my head. "Um, Kai. Is everything okay? I mean, look at this." Kendrix said. "Oh, yeah. I forgot the, um, syrup." Kai said, he squirts ketchup onto the pancakes.

"That guy is seriously bucket." Damon whispered. "Girl." The six of us said.
A/N: I had no idea what Damon said, so let's pretend he said bucket.

The door to our room rings. Jodie, Damon, Kendrix and I went towards it. Commander Stanton appeared. "Daddy!" Jodie excitedly said. Commander Stanton picks up his daughter. "Hey, did you have fun?" He asked.

"Yeah, but, you should see the tape, it's, um-" Jodie said. "Wonderful!" Kendrix interrupted, and laughed. "Thanks, I can't wait to see how much she's improved." Commander Stanton said. "Yeah, and how grown-up she looks too." Damon said. I bumped his arm.

"Come on, I'm hungry." Jodie said. "Okay." Commander Stanton said, Kendrix hands him the video-taper. "And, uh, tell Kai thanks." He said, and starts to leave. "Hey, do you want to stay for-" Damon was about to ask, only for Kendrix to elbowed his chest while I slap his the back head. "-dinner?" He quietly said.

The three of us looks back at the kitchen area. "Ugh, Kai!" Kendrix exclaimed. We saw the kitchen area smoking. "He has a crush on a girl, so you deal with him." I told Kendrix.

I went towards Leo who was still on the couch. Leo saw me. "Hey, Ang-" He said, but I interrupted him.

"Leo, I'm gonna make this quick and understandable." I said, and begin explaining things in speed. "I'm hungry, and when I'm hungry I get cranky. And trust me, you do not want to see me when I get cranky. So right now, I'm about to go out and get a hotdog, hamburger, taco, or whatever. Are you coming with me or not? Yes or no?" I asked.

"Uh..." Leo trailed off. "Now!" I demanded. "Yes." Leo quickly said. "Good, let's go." I said, I grabbed his hand and the two of us left the room.


Leo, Damon, Maya, Kendrix and I are Morphed, the five of us ran towards where Furio and Quakemaker are.

"Looking for us?" Leo questioned. "Hey, we've got trouble!" Quakemaker said. "You can say that again!" I said, we stood in front of them. "Stingwingers attack!" Furio ordered, a bunch of Stingwingers appeared.

Leo and I fought against Furio and Quakemaker, while the others fought against the Stingwingers.


Leo and I kicked Furio. Quakemaker attacked us, and we fell.

"Finish them Quakemaker!" Furio said. Kai appeared, he grabbed Quakemaker jumped onto a tree and dropped him. "Kai!" Leo and I called. Kai jumped down, and threw Quakemaker.

"You made your last quake, Quakemaker!" Kai said, he attacked Quakemaker using his Quasar Saber's Water Element, and defeated him. "All right! We did it!" He said, as the six of us regrouped.

The six of us saw Quakemaker grew giant. "Check me out!" He said. "Gorilla Galactabeast!" Kai shouted, and his Galactabeast appeared. The Gorilla Galactabeast appeared, and begin attacking Quakemaker.

Blue Gorilla continue attacking Quakemaker. "Okay, guys! Let's finish this!" Leo said. "You got it!" I said. "Right!" Maya said.

"Galactabeasts! Arise!" Leo shouted, and our Galactabeasts appeared. We jumped onto them. "Zord Transform! Now!" He shouted, and our Galactabeasts changed into Galactazords.

"Galaxy Megazord! Transform!" Kai shouted, and we formed the Megazord. "Oh, yeah?" Quakemaker said. "Condor Galactazord! Missile Mode!" Kai shouted, and we prepare our finisher.

We fired at Quakemaker, and destroyed him.


Leo and I were currently outside, we were sitting at a table.

I was currently eating my third hamburger. "How could you eat so much?" Leo asked, looking at me. I hummed, I turned towards him and swallowed the food. "We haven't had a decent meal for two days, because someone, Kai, is moping in his bunk." I said.

"Good point, but I'm just surprised that you could eat that many." Leo said, pointing out that I ate a lot. "I have high metabolism, Leo. It's a blessing and a curse." I said, and took a bite out of my hamburger. Ketchup got around the side of my lips.

"Hey, you got a little..." Leo said, he reaches towards me and wipes the ketchup off of the side of my lips with his thumb. I look at his thumb, than at him. Both of our eyes met, the both of us froze in our spots.

The both of us were brought back to reality, when we heard the outside noise. Leo quickly pulls his thumb away, while I backed away. Leo cleared his throat. "Uh... sorry." He said, looking away sheepishly.

"No problem." I said, I can feel my face blushing, I look away to hide my blush. When I was looking away, Leo licked the ketchup off of his thumb.

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