Chapter Six: The Lights of Orion

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A/N: If anyone is unaware, I've changed Angelo's Galactabeast from Gold Tiger to White Tiger. Because I accidentally forgot he's the White Ranger, and only later he'll have the Gold Power.

[Angelo Morgan]

Maya, Kendrix and I are outside of Terra Venture, and on our Jet Jammers. We were Morphed.

"Maya, Angelo, I got a lock on the energy readings!" Kendrix told us. "Good job, sis!" I said. "Great, I'll download them! Let's do it!" Maya said. "Right!" Kendrix and I said.

The three of us flew towards where the energy readings are.


The three of us appeared in an savannah area.

"Stay alert, they're right around here somewhere." Kendrix told us. Suddenly the three of us were attacked but we dodged it. "Stingwingers!" I said, as the three of us saw a bunch of Stingwingers.

The three of us tried to fight against the Stingwingers, but we were outnumbered and captured by them. The three of us were brought to an area, as Furio and another monster appeared.

"Who's that?" Kendrix questioned. "I am Princess Trakeena." Trakeena said. "You Rangers, are out of your league!" Furio said. "We're not afraid of you!" I said, the three of us continue trying to get out of the Stingwingers grip. "You should be, you're completely outnumbered!" Furio said.

Furio was suddenly attacked, and he fell. The three of us looked back, and we saw Leo, Kai and Damon on some kind of motorbike. The three of them fired at the Stingwingers, using their Astro Cycles. "Let's go!" Kendrix said. "Yeah!" I said. "Right!" Maya said.

The three of us went towards the others. "Thanks for coming to our rescue!" I said. "You guys got here just in time!" Kendrix said. "What are these?" Maya asked, about the motorbikes. "These are our new Astro Cycles!" Leo said, gesturing at his Astro Cycle. "They're the bomb! Huh?" Damon asked. "I'll say!" Maya said.

"For my next trick..." Furio said, he was suddenly wearing a top hat and magician's cloak. Him and Trakeena stood in front of a box. "What are you up to, Furio?" Leo questioned, the six of us stood in front of them.

"You like magic, Red Ranger? I have something special just for you!" Furio said. "We don;t have time for your ticks!" Leo said. "The lovely, Trakeena!" Furio said, pointing at her. "Thank you, Furio!" Trakeena said, she went towards the box. "Alakazam, open the box!" Furio said, and Trakeena opens the box revealing Mike.

"What? Mike?" Leo said. Suddenly Stingwingers appeared, and we fought against them. Furio and Trakeena leaves with the box. Kai, Damon, Maya, Kendrix and I attacks the Stingwingers with our Quasar Sabers.

Leo got out of the Stingwingers' hold, he got onto his Astro Cycle and chased after Furio and Trakeena. The rest of us were late to stop him.


Leo was  about to went after his brother, luckily Kai stopped him before he could. The rest of us got to them, we hid behind the tree and some bushes.

"Leo, don't." Kai whispered, he looks around. "We need a plan." He said. "I have an idea." Maya said, she turn towards Damon. "Damon, you be a decoy." She said. "Me be the decoy?" Damon questioned, he complains and said that Maya should be the decoy. Maya pushes Damon to stand up, Damon hurried over to be the decoy.

Kai, Maya, Kendrix and I went towards where Damon went, while Leo went the other way.


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