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Lizzie sat on the bed while she stared at the wall. Robbie on the other hand just got ready for bed and was starting to get comfy.

He looked at Lizzie and sat up. He came closer to her and put his arm around her. But she didn't seem to notice this so he said her name.

"Lizzie? " he said which seemed to get her back. She looked at him and hummed. "What's wrong? " he said.

"Nothing, it's nothing. "

"Yeah sure its nothing. Come on tell me. " he said again as he wasn't blind.

"Grace, does she really look like me. " she said to him. Robbie thought for a moment and nodded. "I mean its come up a couple of times so she does. " he said.

"Mk mentioned that we looked alike to. " she said. Robbie laughed "Honestly anyone who looked at you and her wouldn't know we adopted her. " Lizzie agreed.

"What would she look like now? " Lizzie suddenly said. Robbie looked at her. "Who? " he said acting like he didn't know.

"You know who. " she said. "She would look just like you. " he said as he tucked some hair behind Lizzie's ear.

"They still haven't called have they. " Lizzie said leaning on the headboard. Robbie shook his head.

"Its been 5 stupid years yet they haven't found her its absurd. " she said turning the night light off. "They'll call. They'll eventually call. " Robbie said with hope as he turned his night light off to.

Lizzie ignored what Robbie said and just layed down.

Grace woke up before everyone else in the house as she slept before everyone else. She got out of bed and made her way put the room. She tried to be quite though as she didn't want to wake Lizzie or Robbie.

She slowly made her way down stairs and looked at the door that made it out to the backyard.

She smiled and decided to go out. The lock was on the door so she just needed to unlock it. She did and opened the door. She never got the chance to go around the garden before so she was exited.

She stepped outside and started to look around. There was alot of plants and flowers but mostly plants.

She knelt in front of some tomatoes and looked at them. "Tomato tomato. " she mumbled as she looked at it.

She liked the color red it wasn't her favorite but she liked it. And these tomatoes looked pretty. The ones she usually saw had molds or yucky stuff on them since they were mostly stuff some places threw out.

She was now starting to get bored and decided to go back inside but she noticed that she left barefoot and now her feet were dirty.

So she decided not to go in so she didn't make the floors all dirty. She closed the door and sat in front of it as she looked up the sky.

She could hear the birds which was nice. She then felt the feeling she hated the most. She put her knees to her chest and ignored that feeling in her chest like she always did.

She was leaning onto the door but then it suddenly opened causing her to fall back.

"Ow! " she said as she did and opened her eyes to see Lizzie looking down at her.

"Grace." Lizzie said as she helped Gracw stand up. She chuckled and asked "You okay? "

Grace nodded. "What were you doing outside? " Lizzie asked and Grace suddenly looked down. Lizzie looked down with her and saw her dirty feet. "Lizzie..." Grace said

Lizzie smiled and picked Grace up. "Let's go and wash our face and fast your little feet. " she said as she made her way upstairs.

"Is Robbie awake yet?" Grace asked and Lizzie shook her head. "He's still asleep. "

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