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August 30th

Grace's POV:

"Why can't I goo mommy... " I whined as I sat on the bed. "Well because you fainted a day ago and just got out of the hospital last night baby. I don't want you going for now. " she said as she put her shirt on.

"But I feel fine... " I mumbled and mommy sighed. "Well I know you do but you always feel fine. " I just pouted.

"Well at least we'll have a mommy and daughter day. " she said and took out a hat. Daddy was away for work so it was indeed just her and me.

"Where are we going? " "A walk. " she said and I nodded. Mommy took my hand as I got off the bed and we went downstairs and put our shoes on.

Mommy gave me a hat and sunglasses. "People might be there and its hot. " she said. After that we left the house.

We walked for awhile but I started to get tired so mommy picked me up. "Let's go and get coffee and maybe you'll cool down while were in there. " mommy said to me brushing some hair out my face.

I just nodded and put my head on her shoulder. Mommy walked for abit and then entered a cafe. She ordered her coffee and waited for it. After it was done mommy took her coffee and left the cafe.

"Mommy am I heavy? " I asked her. The last time we went to the doctor I heard him say I gained weight but its apparently normal for a person like me.

"Not at all, you did gain weight but your not that heavy. " she said with a smile. I hummed and looked ahead of us as I started to feel fine.

"How do you feel hunny? " mommy asked me. I gave her a thumbs up which she laughed at. "Good to know your okay. " she said and continued walking.

Mommy stopped walking and looked around for abit. Then afew people came abit close to us with cameras. When mommy noticed them she told me to burry my head in her shoulder which I did.

The people asked afew questions and they were mostly about me... But mommy ignored them.

"Mommy... " I mumbled as they were being loud. Mommy started to walk away and we lost track of them after abit. We were now not that far from home to so mommy just wlaked back home.

Mommy unlocked the door and entered. I let out a tiny cough making mommy look at me. "What's wrong? " she asked with a worried face.

"Nothing, I just choked on some saliva... " I said as I took my shoes off. "Well we need to take a shower since were all sweaty. " mommy said as she picked me back up after she took her shoes off.

I hummed as we went upstairs. Mommy took her hat and glasses off and put it on her bed as well as mine.

She entered her bathroom. "Want a bath or shower? " she asked me. "Bath" I said and she nodded.

She filled the bathtub with lukewarm water. She put some bubbles in it and she took my clothes off.

She turned the fosset off and put me in. "Your legs are abit swollen aren't they... " mommy said as she rubbed my leg.

The doctor said it was normal but mommy still gets worried." It's okay, they feel fine. "

I said with a smile and she laughed. "You to. " I said pulling her hand. She nodded and took her clothes off. She got in and put me in between in legs.

Mommy put some shampoo in my hair after she got it wet and started scrubbing it. She was careful so she didn't get any in my eyes.

I took some of the bubbles and put it on my chin and turned to look at her. "Do I look like daddy? " I asked her and she laughed.

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