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It is now September.

Grace's POV:

"Higher mommy! " I yelled as mommy pushed the swing. After mommy picked me up from kindergarten she said she was going for a walk and of course took me with her.

While we were on our walk we stumbled upon a park so now here we were. I loved the swingg!

"I want off now! " I yelled after abit and the swing slowed down. I got off the swing and she walked up to me.

"You aren't tired are you. " mommy asked as she picked me up. "Nope, I'm all good, seee. " I said showing her my watch.

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Okay let's go now. " "But I wanna stay moree. " I whined.

She looked at me for a moment and sighed. "Okay how about 15 more minutes okay. " she said putting me down.


"Okay, I'll go sit on a bench right there. But don't run or anything okay baby. " I nodded and she walked to the bench she pointed to.

I smiled and went to play. Though short it was fun. I went and played with a group of kids though I couldn't play with them when they decided to play catch.

But I didn't mind I was tired anyway so I just sat down. "Grace..." I heard a voice say behind me.

I was about to look behind me but mommy called my name and I saw her walking up to me.

"Your 15 minutes is finished baby. " Mommy said taking my hand. That's when I looked behind me. It was the lady who left me....

Malissa, she seemed shocked to see me. I looked at mommy and she looked at Malissa. "Mommy let's go. " I said making her look back at me.

"Up." I mumbled and she picked me up. "Grace." I heard Malissa say again.

But I just lookee at mommy who now had a frown. "How do you know her name? " she asked her. She was about to talk but then her son called her as he ran towards her.

When he saw me he smiled. "Grace! " he yelled as he looked up at me. "Hi Jackie. " I said in a mumble and mommy looked at me.

"I wanna go home now please. " I said to mommy and she just nodded. "Excuse us. " she said to Malissa and we walked away.

"Mommy... " I mumbled as I buried my head in her shoulder. "It's okay. " she said rubbing my back and I let out a tiny sob. I don't like seeing Malissa.

Mommy rubbing my back as well as the sun shining down made me sleepy so I slowly feel asleep and when I opened my eyes I was in my room.

I looked at the clothes I had on and I seemed to be in my pj's. I hummed and picked Cotton up from the bottom of the bed.

"Mommy! " I yelled as I walked out my room. She emerged from the living room with my pill box.

"I was just about to wake you so you can take these. " she said as we sat down on the sofa.

"Ahh." I said opening my mouth. She put the pills in my mouth and I swolled them one by one with water.

"Is daddy not home yet?" I asked as I climed onto her lap.

"No, but he's on his way home baby. " I mumbled a small oki. "Squish." I said with a laugh while I squeezed her cheeks together.

I layed my head on her chest and listened to her heart beat. Hearing this and seeing Malissa today made me think. What would happen if I didn't get any better?

I did overhear that I'll eventually need a transplant but I don't really get that.

I heard mommy let out a sigh and she picked up the tv remote and turned the Tv on. "Do you want to watch something? " she asked. "Just cuddle... " I said wrapping my arms around her.

She hummed and turned some show on for herself to watch.

After awhile daddy came home. "How's ny little girl? " he said taking me off mommy lap.

"I'm tired daddy. " I said as I truly felt very tired. He just gave me a soft smile and put me back on Mommy's lap. "I'll go take a shower. " he said and gave mommy a kiss before he went upstairs.

I just layed my arms around mommy as I was to tired to even move right now.

Elizabeth's POV:

I rubbed Grace's knuckles. She looked so tired even though she woke up not to long ago. I wanted to talk about the woman we saw at the park but decided to do that another day.

She eventually fell asleep again, and Robbie came back down. "She's asleep? " he asked sitting next to us.

I nodded as I looked down at her. "We saw a woman at the park today, she seemed to know her. She had a son to, he seemed to know her as well. But Grace got upset so we just left. "

"Did you get to ask Grace anything? " I shook my head "She fell asleep on our way home and as you can see she's asleep right now. "

"How was she today? "

"She was okay, she did sleep a tiny bit when she was at kindergarten though. But she was quite energetic at the park. "

Robbie let out a sigh and came closer to us. He put his arm around me and held Grace's hand with hand.

"Mommy break it please." Grace said as she handed me her peanut. I broke it and she ate the nuts inside. She wasn't really allowed to have to much sugar as her doctor said in our last visit, but she seemed to like peanuts quite abit so that became her go to snack.

She was also apparently in risk of developing diabetes which I truly hope doesn't happen. She's already getting worse and I truly don't want another toll on her health.

"Oh my. " I said as she started to cough in the middle of her chewing. I rubbed her back as she coughed. After she was done I gave her some of her water.

"You okay baby? " I asked and she nodded.

"Break it. " she said handing me another peanut as I had stopped breaking them to help her. I let out a tiny laugh and broke it.

After she ate afew more I took it from her as that was enough.

"Mommy want to play dolls with me? " she asked turning to me and I happily nodded. She smiled and got off the chair but held onto it for a moment.

I stood up and held her hand as she stood there. She blinked afew times and then looked up at me. "Let's go! " she said acting like nothing happened.

We played with her dolls for around an hour before she got bored. I finally decided to ask for about the lady we saw at the park.

"Grace." She looked up at me.

"Who was the lady we saw at the park the other day? " I asked with a smile.

She frowned and looked back down. "She looked after me but left... She left after we went to the doctors. " she said in a very quiet tone, that it was hard to hear.

"I don't like her mommy... She left me. " she said with tears in her eyes.

I could only hug her. She let out a tiny sniffle and before I knew it she was asleep.

Sleep... That's all she does half the day. She would just sleep.

I stood up with her in my arms and layed her in her bed. I knelt down next to her bed and held her small hand.

Her fatigue just takes over her life. Well her sickness does. I just wish I could do something about it but I can't. Just like before.

Can someone give me some ideas on what to write for the next chapter. Because I am very lost...

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