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"Does it hurt? " I asked Grace as she sat up and leaned into me.

She slowly shook her head as she started to trace my palm. "Are you telling me the truth? " I asked.

This time she ignored me and just continued to trace my hand. I sighed and just gave her a soft kiss on the head.

The door suddenly opened and a angry and sad Robbie entered.

"Wait hunny I need to talk to your dad okay. " I said standing up. Grace nodded and me and Robbie walked out to the corridor.

"So? "

He put his hand over his mouth then took it off. "She can't. " he said.

I gave him a confused look. "She doesn't have a heart yet and even if she did he said that she's to weak for the surgery. "

I started to process what he said. "S-so she'll just die? " I said and he stayed silent.

I shook my head as tears started to fill my eyes. "So our 6 year olds just going to die. "

"She can't die... She's only 6 sh-"

"He said she has around 6 months left. " he said with a deep breath.

I bit my lip as I pushed my sobs back. He got closer to me and wrapped his arms around me making me break down in tears.

"We'll do everything for her. Let's do everything for her. " he said.

"No I don't want it... " Grace said in a tired voice as Robbie tried to feed her.

"Come on princess, you can't get better if you don't eat your meal. " Grace just turned her head away.

We both tried to feed her but failed once again...

It's been around a month since we learned of her worsening condition and as time passed she's gotten worse.

As I just said she hasn't been eating at all lately. Is always coughing her lungs out and spends the rest of her time sleeping or cuddling.

That's the thing she still loves to do.


She still loves to cuddle, she would call me onto her bed and she would snuggle into me.

I would just hug her and listen to the heart monitor as it beeped.

I suppose that's my comfort now. The beeping of the monitor. Because I know that her hearts still beating. That she's still living.

I held a tissue onto her mouth as she coughed up the liquid. Tears went down her eyes as she did and she could hardly breathe.

She's getting worse and worse by the second. She-

"Breath Grace. " I said as I stroked her back.

She whined as she took deep breaths. After she seemed to calm down I wiped her tears away.

She looked at me with tired eyes. She lost her light.

The first time we saw her. She was dirty but full of life. But now...

She's so tired.

I threw the dirty tissue away and pulled her into my embrace.

"I'm tired mommy... " she said breathless.

"I know, I know you are. "

"Mommy, I love you. " she said making my heart break.

I just hugged her and started to sob.

"I love you to more then you can imagine. " I said. She slowly lifted her head from my chest and looked up at me.

"Mommy, the boys at the alley always told me that they believed the people they lost on the way were stars." She said looking out the window.

"And that they would look up at the stars in the sky when they were sad. I always loved the sky mommy. The stars and the moon. " she started to run out of breath so she stopped for a moment.

"So, I promise to always be there as a star. I'll shine as bright as the sun. So promise me to not be to sad mommy. " she said with a smile.

I smiled through my tears.

Me and Robbie sat on Grace's bed cuddling as to her request.

It was nighttime the moon shining.

I felt Grace move her head and she looked out the window. "Mommy daddy. " She said and we both hummed.

"Do you know a song named sleepsong? " she asked. We both looked at each other and said yes.

"Malissa used to sing me and Jack that. Can you sing it please. " she said looking up at us with her green eyes.

We agreed and started to sing it to her.


As we sang I could hear her heart monitor go slower. But we continued.

We sang her the lullaby until the beeping stopped.

Until she fell to an eternal sleep.

I cried as I hugged her tighter. I didn't want to let go.

I didn't want to.

But I eventually had to. I slowly pulled away and looked at her face. I touched her cheek and smiled with a sob.

"Sleep well my angel. " I said and gave her one last hug.

This ain't the end lmao

It wouldn't be the end until I write abit of grief now would it.

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