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Elizabeth's POV:

They calles they finally called. I closed the bedroom door and looked at Robbie and he started talking.

"They apparently found the nurse. Who took her and are questioning her right now. They just called us in to give us intel after. " he said with a smile.

"What about Grace we can't take her there. " I said. "Why not. I think she'll enjoy being with some polices kids her age like asking questions. " he said and I sighed with a nod.

Both me and Robbie were all ready to go put and not in pj's but Grace was so I went inside to dress her.

When I opened her bedroom door there she was playing with some dolls we had gotten her. "Who called? " She asked when she saw me.

I smiled at her and went to her closet to take clothes for her. "The police they said they found the one who took my baby. " I said with a smile.

Her face lit up and she smiled wide. "So you found your baby!? " she yelled as I took her shirt off.

"I hope so. " I said with hope. "I hope so to! " she said again as her head poped from her tshirt.

I got her dressed and did hair. Robbie was already in the car when we went down stairs to put shoes on.

We quickly did and went out the door.

We arrived at the police station and the officers came to us. I squeezed Grace's hand. "Can she just stay here. " I said to the officer.

He nodded and told one of the people there to look after her for abit and I thanked them.

We went to the interigation area and saw one of the detectives as he talked to the woman. I looked at Robbie who had fire in his eyes.

"Do you know where she is? " the detective asked the woman. She woman just shook her head. "Then where'd you leave her? " he asked again.

"I- I left her in an alley that had homeless people. I walked around there until a couple of weeks ago but she suddenly disappeared. "

The detective leaned over the table to be sloer to her. "What do you mean walked around. " the detective asked.

"I was told to look at her once in a while to make sure she... To make sure she was still away from them. " the woman said.

My eyes started filling with tears.

The detective chuckled. "Who ordered you to do this? " he asked but the woman said nothing. The detective asked again. "Who ordered you to steal a child! "

"A a man. " she answered which wasn't very useful making the detective ask for more details.

"I never saw his face but he just told me that the child was in his way. That's all he told me. " she said.

"He would always wear a mask and never took it off. I only every saw his eyes. "

The detective sighed and left the room. Both me and Robbie left to and Robbie went to talk to the detective. I stood next to them but I didn't hear a single thing they talked about. Why would someone order this. Then it clicked.

"Stalker... " I mumbled catching the attention of Robbie and the detective. I looked up at them with wide eyes. "Remember when I was pregnant I kept telling you I felt like someone was watching me. And then we got this giy but he was realised him! I bet its him! " I said.

The detective went to talk. We heard a door open and we saw that woman that nurse come out. I frowned as I held Robbie's hand just in case.

"Lizzie! " I then heard a voice yell. The woman Robbie and me looked ahead of us and saw Grace with a smile. Behind her an officer.

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