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Elizabeth's POV:

I just had a blank expression all day. I didn't know what to do. My child was...

And she didn't even know. She thinks it's just a game. It's not a game!

"Mommy, I wanted to say this since before but. Happy birthday to you and me. " she said putting her hands on my cheek.

"It's kind of late though since its apparently now the 20th... At least your phone says it is. "

"I'm sorry for not wishing you happy birthday sooner mommy. You just seemed so stressed and sad these days that I didn't get the chance to. Though I wasn't really here on the day of your birthday. "

That was true. She was still on her way here and not with us.

I wasn't a fan of my birthday. It was just a reminder of my lost child. And I hated it even more this year. Had she been found earlier maybe I wouldn't have hated it as much.

But she only came back awhile later. She was 6 now. My biggest wish is for her to grow up into a beautiful lady.

But I know the chances are slim considering her condition. But I just want to hold onto the hope that she will.

"It's fine, happy birthday to us. " I said stroking her cheek.

"I actually learned that it was our birthday only afew days ago. " she said in a whisper.

"I didn't really know what day it was either. Since I was always in a dark room. " she said.

"It's okay, I forgot to wish you one to, so it's even baby." I said with a smile.

"You did! "

"Let's go." Robbie said walking out of the room. I could feel his anger just from standing next to him.

I stroked Grace's back in hopes of making her go to sleep so we could talk and she did. Her being so tired all the time wasn't good but at least she can sleep through all this.

"He fucked her! " Robbie yelled as he shut the car door. I didn't answer, I couldn't answer.

"He fucked her and she thinks it's a game. " he said with anger.

Soon his anger turned into sadness and the car was just filled with tears.

I looked back at Grace who was just peacefully sleeping. Not knowing the games true intentions. I want to keep it that way.

At least until she grows up and even then... I don't even know if I'll have the heart to tell her.

"Bubble bubble bubble... " Grace mumbled to herself as she played with the bubbles on the bath.

I was current washing her hair. Her hair was still dyed brown. It was starting to wash out though which was good.

After I was done I washed the shampoo off and cleaned the rest of her body. She knew how to do wo herself but I'd prefer to do it.

Also she isn't really safe if she's alone standing while showering.

"Okay... " I said with a smile as I lifted her out the bath and onto the floor. I wrapped her towel around her and she smiled as I dried her hair and body with the towel.

"Let's go change so we can put your pumps in. " I said and she nodded.

I put her ontop of her bed as I took out her clothes which was just tights and a hoodie.

I turned and saw her poking the bruises she had around her body with a blank expression. I knelt in front of her and put the clothes on the bed before taking her hand.

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