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Grace's POV:

I happily smiled as mommy did my hair. We were going to auntie Scarlett's todayyyy.

I was kept at home for the past 3 days and wasn't allowed to go to kindergarten. It sucked but mommy kept saying she wanted me to just stay at home for now...

I only fainted once this week and mister doctor said it was fine! Anyway, I heard her talking to auntie Scarlett on the phone yesterday and begged her to go over to their house.

After about 5 minutes she said okay and here we are.

"Daddyy! " I yelled when I saw him enter the room. I attempted to move but mommy told me not to since she was still doing my hair. "Let's not move... We don't want to ruin Mommy's hard work. " daddy said kneeling in front of me.

"Want me to drive you guys there? " he asked mommy. "Sure, we can go after I finish packing Grace's bag. " mommy said putting her hands on my shoulders meaning she was done.

I smiled and put my arms around daddys neck and he lifted me up.

After afew minutes we were out the door. "You can sleep abit if you need to hunny. " Mommy said to me as she strapped me in. I nodded...

And I did indeed fall asleep after a minute. When I woke up mommy was taking me out my car seat.

I put my arms around her neck and put my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes again.

Elizabeth's POV:

Robbie gave me Grace's bag and drove away. I walked to the door and knocked. After a minute Scarlett opened the door with Cosmo in her arms. "Hello." I said with a smile and gave her a side hug.

She said hello back and we walked to the living room where Rose was. "Hello Rosie. " I said as I sat down.

She looked at us with a big smile. "Why's Grace asleep? " she asked.

"She's just tired she'll wake up in a minute don't worry. " she nodded and sat next to us.

"Can I hold her? " Rose asked like she was asking to hold a baby. I thought for a moment as I looked at Grace and nodded.

"She's abit heavy though are you sure you want to hold her? " I asked. She wasn't really that heavy considering her condition.

She's actually quite light which is shocking. She doesn't eat properly but her condition make's some gain weight which hasn't happened to her.

"I'm strong,I can carry Cosmo. " Rose said with a proud smile. "Okay." I said and put Grace in between her legs and Grace automatically cuddled Rose.

Rose smiled as she looked down. "She's cuter then Cosmo. Cosmo always drools on me. " she complained. "She's a baby hunny." Scarlett said with a laugh.

Rose shrugged as she hugged Grace.

"Want some coffe? " Scarlett asked making me look up. I nodded and she nodded. She put Cosmo onto his playmat and went to the kitchen.

"Mommy can I have a lolii please! " Rose yelled. "Would Grace want one?" She asked looking up at me. "Well even if she sid she can't eat it Rosie. " I said.

"Why? " Rose asked. "Because her doctor said so. "

"Why'd he say no to a loli? " "Here you go baby. " Scarlett said handing Rose the lolipop.

"You'll learn when your older hunny. " I said and she sighed. "Everyone always says that. " she said with a pout.

After Scarlett finished making coffee we sat down and talked while drinking it. "Good morning! " we heard Rose yell and turned to see Grace awake.

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