𝓤𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻 {2}

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It has been about five days since the training. Several times I practiced alone to no avail. Fire coming out as small flame extinguishing faster than it was summoned, lightning was nothing more than a mere spark, healing doesn't even work for a small scratch. Fripp lately... sensed something upcoming, arriving, not seeing what or who caused it, since his prediction the Druid's and soulriders has been in a kind of uproar. Anne, Alex, Linda and Lisa and me picked up training more intensely than ever before. The difference: they didn't need a wand. The second difference they knew who and what they were and what their power was, I didn't. I theoretically had every power they had but something else was in my magic too... before we saved Anne I could do portal magic like Anne, Alex had lighning, Linda's main ability is getting visions of the future and Lisa's voice could heal wounded and sick. My abilities were all of that, but it was wilder, stronger i couldn't comprehend or understand my magic, I didn't know who aI was, for hundreds of years it's been the four soulriders never before has there been a fifth, why me? Who or what am I? The only thing I truly knew was that something was holding me back from reaching my potential. Somedays my magic felt dark, unsteady, churning. But how was that possible? The soulriders and Druid's steered clear of „dark magic" wether it's the type witches or pandorians like Ydris work with. But the ying and yang of these parties were the only chance of getting fripp back a few month ago.

I suddenly got pulled out of my thoughts as my phone buzzed, I looked at the lit screen
„Rhiannon wants to meet you in the Druid paddock"
I simply replied „on my way" and headed for the stable.

I cantered up to thee paddock and as soon as I had a clear sight of who was at the paddocks entrance my heart skipped a beat, as heterochromia eyes caught mine a slight smirk graced his face. My hands got clammy as I approached him and Rhiannon „y/n, glad you made it here so fast" I stopped h/n and slid off his back not having bothered to tack up a few minutes ago. Ydris gaze pierced me „Hello my dove" he reached out grasped my hand placing a kiss on my knuckles „I look forward to our liaison, ma chérie" he gently dropped my hand standing straight up again, I dumbfoundedly started at him „liaison?" I asked unsure, Rhiannon let out a small sigh as preparation for the explanation „Listen, I've discussed this with the circle, thoroughly. Your training was best with Evergray since he possesses some Pandorian magic, but his knowledge and ability aren't enough to deal with the power and strength your magic comes with, so we contemplated for a long time, went through anyone who could potentially help train you. Ydris helped us save Fripp wich we are forever grateful for so after a lot of bargaining options we thought it'd be best do him to take over your magic training from now on" my eyebrows raised as I was utterly taken back not quite knowing what I was feeling right now „I- well... I thought dark magic is a taboo for us" At the word „dark magic" Ydris' expression changed briefly still keeping his all time playful smirk „It is under normal circumstances, however there's something coming and we don't know when and if we even have enough time to prepare for this, we don't know what we will be dealing with, we don't know how big- how powerful this might be" I nodded knowing she was right but Ydris' presence unsettled me, how would I work on my magic when I'm nervous around him. „What if this doesn't work too Rhiannon we tried so much already?" Ydris' clicked bis tongue „Dove, are you mistrusting the greatest magicians mastery of magic?" i huffed „Of course not, you've proven yourself numerous times to this point" Rhiannon chipped in „I'm putting my entire faith on your teamwork, I believe you two will work through this- whatever it is, you probably head right to work, I'll leave you two to this, send for me if you need my assistance" Ydris and I gave a short nod, his gaze flickering back to me erupting this dwelling nervousness "little dove, time to work on some magic"

"Close your eyes, chérie" I did as told "for a moment just focus on what you hear" it was quiet, peaceful some bird singing, a light wind gently brushing the leaves on the trees, exhaling slowly and softly "Lift a hand" -I lifted my palm skywards "And now search in yourself, what kind of magic feels strongest, try listening- what calls for you, what connects to you. Don't overthink it, feel it" he whispered near me,   I feel a warm tingling sensation crawling through my arm down into my Palm "What does it feel like, love? Is it quiet, calm? Is it unsettled? Restless?" I focused on the sensation my eyebrows scrunching in concentration "It's..... both?" "Now grasp that sensation, hold it. And when you feel like you have it, open your eyes" I inhaled, clutching on it and then slowly opening my eyes but as soon as I saw purple they snapped open "What-" a purple magic flowed around my hand, I turned my head to Ydris to find him already watching me "I knew you were different the second I predicted you" He said lowly
I looked at hit flabbergasted "predicted?" He chuckled " ma chérie, I own a glass sphere of course I predict"

𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘𝓶𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓵 (Ydris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now