𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓮 {7}

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Song recommendations for this chapter: my blood- Ellie Goulding,- and middle of the night Elley duhe💛

This chapter didn't turn out as I wanted it to, and it doesn't end like I wanted it to but right now I don't have time to finish it so ins put it out like that and continue in the next chapter🤌🏻

Also the outfits above are inspirations- minus the white suit you can't tell me different this screamed Ydris when I saw it (also the colors match/ your dress is the same color as the purple on the suit) and the castle in the story is of course waaaayyyy bigger than in the game 👀 (I will put in the word dress, if you imagine a suit, pop off queen🤚🏻,I just don't wanna repeatedly put „attire" or similar words in since it sounds weird man)

Another picture for the vibe since I can't post the whole mood board because even there I would drop many spoilers 😭:

Not edited/ not proofread—————————————————I finally finished the riding lessons as I took a big sip of my water bottle to soothe my throat from all the talking today "let your horses walk off for 10 minutes and then return to the stables Maya will...

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Not edited/ not proofread
I finally finished the riding lessons as I took a big sip of my water bottle to soothe my throat from all the talking today "let your horses walk off for 10 minutes and then return to the stables Maya will help you then. Everyone did great today, give yourselves a pat on the shoulder- and your horses too, see you next week" all of them bid me farewells and thanking me for today's lessons as I started my way to the bus stop.

Stepping out of the bus at Valedale stop I pulled out my keys and walked the short distance to my house.
It was still strange to call it that now. It is- was Elizabeth's house. As I approached my front door I saw a package on the doorstep, I bent down and opened the small paper attached to the string "For my little dove- Ydris" my hearts fluttered and unbeknownst to me a smile spread over my face, I grasped the package und went into the house. I placed it on my dinner table and pulled on the string so it would come loose, I opened the box and I was astounded when I pulled out the purple fabric "This is amazing" included were also shoes and jewellery.
I ran up the stairs into my bedroom, took off my clothes and slipped into the dress, struggling with the zipper but grasping it eventually and pulling it up, with my hand I smoothed over the fabric.

As I stepped in front of the mirror I audibly gasped a hand flying over my mouth in disbelief, this was the most ravishing attire I've ever worn in my life. Also in the package was a lace mask it was a Masquerade after all wasn't it? Sadly for now I had to take it off again since I desperately needed a shower before the ball, so I pulled the zipper down and stepped out of the dress hoisting it up and leaving the dress on the bed and went to the bathroom to quickly but thoroughly shower.

As I was done I checked the time and I had 1 1/2 hours left to the ball- I decided to do my makeup first to not get any on the attire. After that I put on the dress, shoes and Jewellery and then finally I did my hair. Now it was 5:30 and I headed downstairs careful to not step on the fabric.

Outside I was met with Alex holding H/N who was tacked up in white with a baroque bridle and white saddle and saddlepad, his mane was braided and he was freshly washed- Alex' eyes widened as she gawked at me and at the same time we spoke up
"Oh my god Y/N you look splendid!"
"Oh my god Alex! H/n you look so stunning!" We both laughed at that- I had asked Maya this morning if she somehow could manage to stop by and tack up H/n for the ball "Maya told me you owed her and since I hadn't anything to do anywayssss~I told her I would get him ready" I beamed at her "Thank you so mich Alex this is truly amazing!" She shushed me worth her hand "Now now Princess you should get going now" she stepped up behind me as I put my foot into the stirrup and she gathered all the fabric flowing around so I wouldn't sit on it, I hoisted myself up and as I sat down on the saddle she let the fabric down as it draped over my horse and in this moment I truly felt like a princess, my inner child aka 8 year old Y/n is squealing right now."Thanks Alex!" I chirped before ushering H/n into a canter. „ENJOY THE BALL!" she yelled behind me „I WILL THANKS"

The ride to the castle felt magical, when I was close to the castle I slowed down into walk already seeing crowds and groups of people in front of the castle- all shades and colors, all kinds of dressed and gowns,the men in suits- it really felt like we were back in medieval times.

As we were approaching I scanned the crowds and clusters of people of the ringmaster, I swung my right leg over H/n neck so I was sat sideways on him but before I could jump off a white gloved hand entered my vision, as I looked up my breath hitched and my eyes widened in awe-it was him and he looked marvellous a mask concealing his upper half but it was undoubtedly him, my eyes scanned downwards to see him in a white suit with purple and gold accents. We matched. The purple accents had the same colour as my dress, I reallized.

"My love no word would do you justice to describe your beauty- may I help the lady off the horse?" I still gawked at him but slowly grasped his hand, his other went over the saddle to gather the fabric still draped on H/n, he leaned back for a second to look me in the eyes a mischievous gleam struck his face as he let go of my hand, his arms warping around my waist, he hoisted me off the horse „Ydris!" I half gasped and half laughed from surprise- he gently let me go as soon as I had solid ground under my feet „We couldn't risk ripping the beautiful attire could we, dove?" he smoothed out his suit and jacket and offered me his elbow, I returned the smile and held onto his arm „Shall we go in ma princesse?" „We shall my lord" I lightly giggled and in that moment Ydris felt something he's never felt before- his heart fluttered like a bird in a cage „what is that feeling?"

As we entered I was left with an jaw dropping sight- marble floor and stairs, a crystal chandelier, pictures of former kings and lords decorated the wall. We climbed the stairs my free hand grasping the dress to not step on it when we were in the ballroom it was already bustling from somewhere in the room classical music was heard, I scanned the entire room, my eyes landed on the baroness and I gently nudged Ydris and nodded my head in her direction „Let me introduce you" I didn't wait for his response and walked up to her, she caught my eye and recognition struck her face „Y/n L/n! What a pleasant surprise my dear! And who's that gentleman you brought?" she genuinely seemed in a good mood, normally she seemed rather gloomy but she obviously could be different „Baroness first- I genuinely wish you a great birthday today- and this is Ydris, he owns the circus at Nilmers highland" she gave him an acknowledging look, he bent down to grasp her hand and gave her a peck on her hand „It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance my lady" with her other hand she covered her mouth as she laughed „Oh dear what a true gentleman! You've got yourself quite a catch dear Y/n, if might say so- Oh Godfrey! Godfrey!" she hurried off but stopped „My lovelies please enjoy the ball, maybe we'll talk again tonight" with that she hurried off and I chuckled and we went back to the Center of the room but before we could emerge in smalltalk someone bumped into me „Watch it!" Ydris called out „Oh Y/n dear I'm sorry I didn't see you" as I turned I was met with a concealed face „It's alright" when I turned back Ydris softly smiled at me „what?" I asked „You truly have a beautiful soul Y/n L/n" before I could respond he grasped my hand and pulled me to him at him waist „Shall we dance now my dove?" "I think I forgot to mention- I can't dance" I said in a low voice „don't worry, I lead- you follow, you trust me, yes?" I shyly grinned at him „I trust you Ydris"

The music started playing and his eyes locked into mine stealing my breath away, he started moving in synchrony with the pairs around us

𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘𝓶𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓵 (Ydris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now