𝓒𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓿𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 {10}

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Hey guys, sorry for taking so long for this chapter I've just been struggling with life lately. Please Enjoy🤍

Disclaimer: new characters introduced in this chapter, they are NOT in game,the story happening in this chapter is made up and in no relation to the actual game. (Also I know Rhiannon is kinda a bit of the bad guy but I love her and I thought it's fitting for the story. The hatred will be resolved one day👀


Aideen, me?

Warm rays of sun streaming in trough the window hitting my face from where I laid sprawled out on my bed staring at the ceiling, a light tingle spreading where the sun met my face. A heavy sigh left my lips, all I could think about was the argument and the kiss- I felt completely lost in my mind repeating the same question again „Was I in the wrong? Am I the problem?"
Will I ever get the magic back? What has dark core planned? Who will betray me? Will Rhiannon stop blaming me? The swirling thoughts turned into a tornado but suddenly a voice sounded in my head, it was more like a thought,but not my thought it was as someone placed it in my head „attic" I sat up my glance landing on the door on the ceiling „attic?" I repeated unsurely but I felt a pull so I grabbed the wooden stick put the hook though loop and pulled the door down, I grasped the ladder and brought it down for a moment just staring into the black abyss „help" rang in my head so I grasped the wooden stairs and climbed up, I pulled myself up on the ledge and when o stood on the dusty attic I let my gaze wander around, the floors were littered with trinkets, boxes, books-  „book" a book huh?
I bent down and skimmed my fingers over the boxes peering inside „Herbology" „protection spells for beginner witches" „Legends and Myth's" nothing piqued my interest I kept looking, out of the corner of my eye one particular box caught my eye, I approached it and dug around until my fingers grasped a golden book, no title, I opened it and was met with empty pages, I turned them but they were all empty „what the-?" I turned them back slowly as my hand stopped on one page, my palm started to tingle and I felt magic transfer into the page. As I lowered my hand there suddenly were words „Aideen I'm waiting for you. North in Valley of the hidden dinosaur. The way will clear for you. Don't tell anybody, leave immediately. Make sure no one sees or follows you" I closed the book halting for a moment „Who's waiting for me?" i rose and left the attic  suddenly a haste had come upon me, I yanked a backpack from under my bed stuffed some clothes inside and headed out. I opened the front door my eyes scanning the area, no one was around, I jogged to the stable, H/n lifted his head upon hearing my quickened footsteps, I grasped the halter entering the stable, quickly putting the halter on throwing the lead rope over his neck, i swung my leg and jumped on his back „let's go" he pushed into a galopp heading past my house up the hill. We took the lift down, passed Nic, headed up the snowy road until finally I came onto a blocked path „the way will clear for you" I clicked my tongue and urged him to approach the snow masses they slowly parted and as soon as they did I clicked my tongue and into the mist we went. The air shifted and the hasty feeling turned into something serene, something was lingering, the energy felt almost curios of the intruder suddenly a small blue bulb emerged from behind off of the trees as I looked closer I gasped "a will-o'-the-wisp" H/n stopped lifting his head eyeing the small light. It emerged from the tree onto the path infront of us shortly stopping before scurrying off H/n knew to follow it and jumped into a galopp hasting after it. The fog was thick and the path before us veiled, I quickly ducked when a branch appeared nearly hitting me in the face, I straightened my back immediately regretting it because this time there was no time to react and a long thin branch smacked me right in the face "Ow! Really?" The light speeding up as well as H/n as we shot through the mist, i opted to just stay down knowing he would safely get us out. The light disappeared into a thick huge bush right infront of us "H/n slow down! Bush incoming!" He tried to hit the breaks but I felt his hind legs slipping through the muddy ground- there was no stopping as we slipped though the bush, I only knew that we were outside as H/n found his footing hearing his hooves scratch over stone the sudden stop leaving me to slip off his back landing in my butt "Ah shit!" I groaned my hand flying onto my butt "Women shouldn't curse" I whipped my head around "get fucked!" I snapped he blinked in surprise staring dumbfounded at me, I stared right back at the foreign boy "who are you" we said in unison I slowly stood up rubbing my palms together getting rid of the pebbles stuck on my palms "I'm Y/n and this is H/n" as he saw my entire face he gasped dropping down und his knees "Aideen and her loyal steed! It is an honour to be in your presence! I read so much about you! I can't wait to tell my mother-" H/n and me exchanged a look "Get off the ground boy what's gotten into you. I'm Y/n not 'aideen'" his gaze met mine and I studied him he was about my age, fluffy brown hair, brown eyes but with a hint of blue swimming in his eyes, he got up breaking the eye contact staring at the ground "My Mother told me Aideen was coming back- disguised under a name to veil your true identity. Why are you here?" Before I could reply another voice appeared from behind him "I called out to her and I'm glad she followed and made it here safe" my gaze tore from him to a women with the same trades as the boy, his mother i figured "Y/n my dear, I called you, I'm Auzora a Vala witch, I have been watching you for a while now and saw your struggle, I was ordered to only interfere if absolutely needed. But come with me I will get you something to eat and we will talk about everything" H/n approached her and a smile graced her face "H/n glad to see you again, you've kept her safe I see" I gaped at her like a fish on land "you...know him?" She chuckled "he's the first foal of my mare" my eyes widened "I knew his legacy before he was born. He is your twinflame. Your soul split in two, when you reincarnated you took one half-" she affectionately looked at the stallion "and he's the other. You're only ever complete with the other. But I sense something heavy on you both. Someone has been trying to weaken you, someone is sucking your energy" her gaze switched to serious locking onto me "whatever is going on we need to make sure you're protected and  strengthened" i lowered my head "I lost my magic. It's still there but barely. I have no control over it" I said meekly "I've been training but-" no words to explain my situation found their way into my head as Auzora spoke up again "this is way more serious than I thought. I need clairvoyance. But be assured this land is heavily protected by us witches no one neither druids nor dark core nor other witches will be able to find you. They might be able to follow your trace a while but they won't come far the magic won't lead them here. No magic will find you here"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CANT FIND HER? WE NEED TO!" Alex screeched as she paced around the room in fripps hideout. It's already been two days until your sudden disappearance and when Lisa came to check up on you she found the broken down front door. No trace of you or your horse. Your house was turned upside down drawers, cupboards ripped open the contents spilled on the floor- she immediately called for an emergency Druid meeting

"Her front door was broken down and her house was thoroughly searched someone kidnapped her!" "It was probably dark core" they all talked over each other and every theory was a gut wrenching stab for Ydris from where he stood in the corner arms crossed thinking about all the possibilities of your whereabouts but soon was ripped out of his thoughts by Rhiannon "Ydris you said you tried to find her?" He blankly stared at her "I did. It swirls in-front of her house before disbursing" "that means she is in a protected place. Could be dark core. Could be druids. Could be pandoria. But a protected place can only be entered with a wielder of higher magic. She's a wielder of it, means she could enter and leave if she wasn't taken captive" Ydris was getting agitated "if she wants to leave" she turned to him "what do you mean?" He clicked his tongue "I do not assume you have forgotten the last meeting" now it was her crossing her arms in defence "You're implying she's gone because of me?" He held her gaze and lightly shrugged "Ha! Well that's funny coming from you" his right eyebrow rose in sarcastic interest "maybe it's you after all? A pandorian outcast banned from his world damned to live in this. Maybe you work for dark core? Maybe they need her to free Garnok? Maybe you act out this romance and she believes it playing right into your hands- into THEIR hands?The confession of her being Aideen in your presence was the greatest mistake I've ever made" He made a "Tsk" sound a mockery laugh escaping him "blaming others to veil your own mistakes. How brilliant"


I'm 0% satisfied with this chapter 👌🏻

𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘𝓶𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓵 (Ydris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now