𝓕𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓮𝓼 {5}

86 6 12

Important AN at the end please read 🫶🏻
"So Y/N..... you and circus dude huh?" My head snapped up dropping the hay" 'scuse me?" At my reaction Alex slightly raised an eyebrow "As I said before- out of all people 𝓱𝓲𝓶? Really? I'd never expected you and him to be a thing"- "Alex, we're not a thing!" She made a "tsk" sound and leans forwards, her arms laying over her her knees "then what are you?" She aks lowly, I gaze at her staying silent for a few seconds before I unsurely answer "Frienemies" she huffed a single laugh "Frienemies?" I gather the hay up again "Frienemies." With that I turn around and head out the stables with the last haymet for today when I hear her call after me "You don't even believe that yourself Y/N"

I don't believe it. I just don't what we are. We're not friends, not enemies, not lovers, not acquaintances. We're nothing yet so much at the same time. Are we partners? or colleagues? Is he a boss? A teacher? A leader? Or is he a friend? An acquaintant?

When I think about him I have a million question but zero answers.

What are his intentions? Why would he help me? There's no benefits for him. But he's helped before without wanting anything in return, but why? He did try to destroy our world so that pandoria could live, we stopped him- 𝓲 stopped him. But he isn't holding any grudges, but why's that? Why is he like that to me? How did he feel about me, did he see me as a friend? How did I feel about him?

Before my thoughts could spiral downwards even more I snapped out of it hoisting the haynet over the fence hopping over after it, I picked it up again putting it on the carabiner, the horses immediately approaching to munch on the hay.
Suddenly my phone rang, I pulled it out and saw it was Alex "Alex- it's been 5 minute-" her panicked voice rang through "Listen! I need your help right now! I- the foal is gone, it was here a second ago- It's gone!" I had no idea wich foal she was talking about but she sounded desperate "hang on" I turned on my heel sprinting back to the stable as I rounded the corner Alex was frantically searching- as she saw me her face lit up "Y/N! Please I beg, take Tin Can and search the area I can't leave, Herman will behead me!!!" She whistled and Tin can emerged from the stable "care to describe the foal?" I gave Tin can a pet before I grabbed his mane my other hand laying on his back as I was hoisting myself up she answered "little black foal- white snipped on his nose- please hurry! Herman will be back soon!!!" I clicked my tongue bringing him into Canter heading towards the paddock where the bobcat girls resided, I wanted to turn him to the right but he stopped, his ears perked and he jumped into a galopp "You sense him... her?" Tin can lightly snorted heading towards Nilmers Highland.

Not only that- he headed directly to the circus. Upon arrival I jumped off him and headed towards the wagon, but before i stepped in the first plank of the steps i senses there was someone in the side of the wagon, i stepped forward peeking around the edge, my heart swelling upo n the sight.

Ydris sat in the floor leaned back into the wagon basking in the sunlight- on his lap a black sleeping foals head. A smile spread across my face as i stepped closer Ydris perked up his eyes opening directly locking mine "Back so soon my dove?" He asked lowly his voice raspy "searching for him" i pointed at the sleeping foal "her" he corrected "she joined me at my nap" before I could reply he spoke up again "care to join us?" He reached his arm out like he was inviting me for a hug i raised my hands "I'll have to pass I need to get her back to the stables as soon as possible I'm afraid" if I blinked I'd may had missed it- he sighed in disappointment but in a mere second it was gone, he gently nudged the foal, she opened her eyes and slowly got up "time to go home my sweet" she approached me letting out a big yawn at that I chuckled before setting my eyes back on Ydris „6PM at the Druid paddock?" a soft smile grazed his face „certainly my dove" I haves him another smile and turned around „Oh before I forget-" I turned my head as he snapped his fingers, a flyer emerged from within his pockets gliding to me, I grasped the paper and read „Masquerade ball in Silverglade castle hosted to celebrate the baroness' birthday, everyone with adequate attire invited" I looked up to him again „what do you wanna tell me with that?" he slowly got up and approached me „Earthly parties pique ymy interest, but what's a masquerade without a lovely lady at one's side?" he reached out his hand waiting on me to take it „may you be that lovely lady?" my eyes widened as my gaze fell from his eyes to his hand as ever so slowly I take his hand „I have nothing to wear for it.." his eyes lit up „Ha! Worry not my dear for I shall take care of that" my face must've screamed uncertainty because his face fell „dove, do you perhaps not trust my sense for fashion?" at that I could i contain a laugh „pfff- for sure I do Ydris" he looked at me questionably „no! No I'm serious! I trust you" my laughter died down and his gaze softend, almost affectionately „I shall not disappoint you my dove, even though it will be quite the challenge to find a dress that can keep up with so much beauty~" my face started burning, I pulled my hand from him turning in my heel „bye Ydris" he barked out a short laugh. I mounted Tin Can and we headed back to the stables the foal following behind. Before Ydris was out of sight I turned around, my heart skipped a beat when I found him intensively watching my retreating form, I lightly waved at him, he responded with his hand on his hat, he tipped it with his head downwards.

As Alex saw us she yelped in relief „Thank god, Y/N I owe you big time" she jogged up to the foal with a halter in hand, moving to putting it on her „You minx, slipped out when I wasn't looking for a single second!!" I got off Tin can petting his neck „Thanks Tin can" he quietly snorted and went after Alex heading to the stables as a car came to an halt next to me, as I turned I saw it was Herman, right on time I thought.

„Hey Y/N! I'm back, any troubles today?" I slightly smiled at him „Nope! Everything normal" he looked content „I knew I could count on you girls to take care of everything when I'm gone, you can go home now" „Alright, see you Herman" I headed to the bus station, H/N was in the meadow in Valedale-stables today since he wasn't feeling all too well.

In the distance I heard the humming of the bus approaching, it drove down the street and eventually coming to a stop before me, I pulled out my ticket and entered the bus. It was empty, so I slipped in the first row and plopped down on the seat the amount of today's stable work wearing heavy on my bones.


Hey guys, I have made a decision for this story. This chapter will be for now or forever be the last. My story has 148 reads and the first chapter around 38 likes or something like that wich makes me really happy, but chapter after chapter it gets less and less likes and reads and I sadly can't explain why. I'm not expecting thousands of likes but it would really help if everyone who reads and likes this story would take a minute to like and comment, I'm absolutely open for tips and critic regarding my writing and story! Normally I'm Reader through and trough but the story I had in mind for this was too good to let go in my mind, so I thought "Hey I have zero free time and no skill for writing but let's see how it goes" and at first I thought it was going well... until it didn't anymore 🗿 writing consumes time either way and if it doesn't get any recognition at all I'm not sure if I should waste my time on it, I saw that someone made an Ydris x reader list with my story in, thank you so much for that 🥺❤️ it would really help if you also send my story to people who may like it, to get more recognition for it.

If it really doesn't get any recognition is even be open to share my plans on this story with a writer who would be interested to write it themselves. So if I a few month any writer reads this and you want to take over, feel free to DM me🤍

𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘𝓶𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓵 (Ydris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now