Chapter Fourteen: Tonight I'm Yours

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I rubbed my temples as a dull ache formed from my lack of sleep. I spent the last two nights researching about archangels, trying to figure out how to exorcise them. If we even could.

    Sam walked into the main room and saw me sitting at the table, walking over to me. "Hey. Are you still researching?"

    I yawned. "Yeah. I'll be done in a second."

    "That's what you said before." Jack answered as he passed Sam and walked over to me, setting a hand on my shoulder. "How long has it been since you've slept?"

    "Um...when did we rescue Cass?" I asked with a long sigh.

"That was three days ago. Sweetheart, you need to sleep." Jack said.

"Jack's right, Anna. This isn't good for you." Sam added on.

"I'll sleep when we get Dean back. In the meantime, I just need coffee." I said as I rubbed my aching temples again.

Jack looked at Sam, then back at me. "Anna, hey—"

"Jack. I just need to get this done, okay? Just let me get this done and then I'll sleep." I said.

"No. Anna, listen, I get that you want to find Dean. We all do. But this isn't healthy." Sam said.

"Sam—" I sighed.

"Anna. You need sleep. I'll take it from here." Sam insisted.

I rubbed the heel of my hands into my eyes, groaning softly. "Fine. Five minutes." I got up and immediately fell.

Jack reacted instantly, catching me and lifting me into his arms. "I got you. I got you." he said and walked us into his room, laying me down on the mattress pulling the blankets over my shoulders.

"I need to find Dean..." I yawned, my eyes closing.

"We will. Just sleep." Jack answered in a quiet voice, his hand stroking my hair back as I fell into a deep sleep.

    I awoke later to the sounds of a loud clatter, sitting up in bed and rubbing the tiredness from my eyes before heading out and seeing Jack on the ground, food everywhere.

    "Two things. How long was I asleep, and why are you covered in lasagna?" I asked as I suppressed a laugh.

    Jack sighed and got up, picking pasta from his hair. "You were asleep half the day. And I was trying to make you dinner before I slipped and it went flying."

    I smiled and bit my bottom lip to keep from giggling, picking out pasta noodles from his hair. "I appreciate the thought, Jack. Why don't you go shower and I'll clean this up? Then we can go out for dinner."

"You sure you're alright with cleaning this up? If you're still tired, I can clean it up." Jack offered.

"I'm fine, Jack. Go shower. You smell like lasagna."

"Dress nice." He kissed my cheek before heading into his room; I looked at the spilled pasta and went into the kitchen, grabbing a trash bag and cleaning supplies.

    After cleaning the spilt lasagna up and putting the trash bag in the trash can, I went to my own room a few doors down from Jack's and went through my closet, taking down a few dresses.

    I looked at the dresses in contemplation and tapped my chin in thought. Should I wear a blue dress or a black one? Or maybe a red. That'd be nice.

    Finally deciding on the crimson red dress, I hung the other two dresses up and changed into the dress, having the dress stop at my knees.

    "Hey, Anna, are you almost ready?" Jack asked as he knocked on my door.

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