Chapter Thirty-one: Deliverance

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Another contraction hit me hard.

    "I thought you said the baby wasn't due for another few days!" Dean said, panicking.

    "Anna healing you must have sped up the baby's process! I don't know. I'm not an expert!" Alex shouted back.

"Okay, Anna, hey, just—just breathe, okay?" Sam asked with worry, trying to ease my pain.

"I'm trying! Where the hell is Jack?!" I shouted as another one hit, the contractions coming quicker.

"Dean, Sam, get out of here. You're making her nervous." Alex said as she got on gloves and Jody stood to the side.

The brothers went out of the room and closed the door, Alex pushed my dress up slightly and looked at me. "Okay, Anna, you're gonna have to start pushing."

"Now?" I asked, worry in my voice.

"Now!" she answered.

A bright flash of light filled the room and a hand laid on my shoulder.

"You can do this, sweetheart. Just focus on your breathing." Jack said in a soothing voice, stroking my hair back.

"I don't know if I can." I said with a whimper.

"Yes, you can, Anna," he took my hand.

I looked at Jack before nodding a little and squeezing his hand tightly as I screamed, pushing as hard as I could.

"Okay. Okay, that's good, Anna. Just one more. One more big push." Alex told me.

I panted heavily and I shuddered as I gave one last big push, a faint wailing being heard.

"Anna....she's beautiful." Alex said, her voice cracking.

I smiled weakly and laid my head against the pillow, my eyes closing and my breathing slowing down, feeling the life being sucked out of me.

"Anna? Anna! Hey, hey, no, no, you can't leave me. Okay? I'm not going to lose you, too." Jack said in a scared voice.

A sudden warmth flowed through my arm and into my body, washing the life-draining out and restarting my heart; my eyes flying open, glowing golden for a moment before returning to their natural shade.

"Anna?" Jack said in a relieved voice, pulling me in for a hug. "You're alright. You're alive."

"Anna? Do you want to hold her?" Alex asked, holding my newborn daughter in her arms, having cleaned her and wrapped her in a soft pink blanket.

I smiled softly and took my daughter from Alex's arms, holding her gingerly against my chest.

"We'll leave you two alone." Jody said, gesturing for Alex to follow her out the door, the door closing once again.

"She's beautiful," Jack said in a quiet voice, gently rubbing the small fuzz on the top of her head. "Just like her mother."

I smiled at my newborn. "Hey, baby Kelly. It's your Mommy."

"Kelly?" Jack looked at me.

"Yeah. I know you didn't get to spend much time with your mother, so, maybe you can with your daughter." I answered, holding her out to him.

Jack took Kelly into his arms and smiled. "Hey, Kelly. I'm your Daddy. I won't let anything bad happen to my little girl. I promise."

"Jack? I'm a little tired. Can I—can you stay?" I asked.

He looked at me and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, of course I'll stay. Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up."

I smiled softly and leaned my head back against the pillow, taking a steadying breath and letting it out, closing my eyes.

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