Chapter Seventeen: Hold On

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I paced the hallway outside as the brothers watched me with concerned faces while
Cass was in the room with Jack.

"I'm sure Jack will be—" Sam started to say.

"Sam. Just—just please. Don't say that he's going to be fine, because we don't know that. There is something wrong with my boyfriend and we have no idea what it is. And if he dies, I will loose my mind. So, please do not give me false hope." I said as I paced the hall.

    Cass walked out and came over to us.

    "How is he?" Sam asked.

    "I don't know what's wrong with him. I can't identify what is wrong, and I can't heal him." Cass answered him.

"Can I see him?" I asked.

He looked at me and nodded. "Make it quick. I'll try another scan later."

I walked past the three men and went into Jack's room, sitting in the chair by his bed and resting my hand on his forehead, jerking it back when he started spasming.

"Guys! Get in here!" I said as he started foaming at the mouth.

"What's wrong?!" Dean asked worriedly. "What happened?"

"I don't know! We need to get him to a hospital." I said as Sam got him out of bed and carried him in his arms.

"Dean, start the car!" Sam shouted to his brother as we all ran to the garage, the door opening to outside.

Dean started the car up and we all got in, not wasting any time before putting the car in gear and driving down the misty road at 80 miles per hour to the nearest hospital.

"Okay, get him out. Get him out!" Dean shouted the second we parked, stumbling out of the car and opening the hospital doors for us as we ran inside.

"Doctor! We need a doctor!" Dean shouted once we entered, seeing the hospital packed with sick people.

"Take a seat." A nurse at the counter told us.

"Look, could you just get him inside?" Dean asked as we walked over to the counter.

"Sir, I just need the basic information." the she said. "I do the work-up then I take him back."

"He's sick."

"Do you see anyone in here who isn't?" the nurse replied.

"His full name, please." she said.

"Jack Kline." Sam answered.

"Date of birth?" the nurse asked.

"Come on, is that really important?" Dean asked.

"What did you say your relationship to the patient was?" she asked.

"May 18." I answered.

"2000." Dean said

The nurse looked at Dean skeptically. "Uh-huh. Family medical history?"

"His father's dead. He got stabbed in the heart and then exploded." Cass answered.

The nurse looked at all of us with a blank expression.

"You know what, we don't have time for this. All right, he's sick. His name is Jack Kline. His father exploded. There. You got all the basics. Now what does he need to see a doctor?" Dean asked, growing impatient.

"Jack? Jack!" Cass asked with worry as Jack fell to the ground.

The nurse shot up and ran around the counter. "We need a gurney! We have a collapsed patient!"

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