Chapter Fourty: Christmas Joy

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"So?" Claire asked the second she burst through the door that late afternoon, excitement written on her face.

"We're pregnant again." I said with a smile, Jack hugging me and kissing the top of my head.

"YEAH!!!" Claire said happily, hugging me.

"Kelly's gonna have a baby brother or sister soon," Dean said as he did a little happy dance. "I hope it's a boy."

I laughed lightly. "Well, we won't know the gender until a few months—or weeks, in this case."

    "I'm just happy to have another kid." Jack said with a smile at me.

    "As long as the baby's healthy, I'm fine with either gender." Claire added.

    "Daddy!" Kelly cried from upstairs.

    "I'll be back." Jack kissed my cheek and headed up the stairs.

Dean put an arm around my shoulder and steered me towards the couch, sitting me down. "So, kid, I think it's time to start talking about the holiday coming up."

"Christmas?" I looked at him.

"Yeah. You want to have it at the bunker, or here?" Dean asked.

"As much as I love the bunker, I think we should have it here. Claire, tell Jody you're all invited as well." I said to her.

"I love you!" she said and ran out the door.

"Oh, Dean. You can bring Dakota as well." I said to him.

    "Great! I'll tell her now!" he said and stood up.

    I grabbed his arm as he passed. "Dean. Christmas isn't for a week."

    "Don't kill my joy, Anna." he said and patted my head before sitting back down. "I'll tell her later."

    Jack came down the stairs with Kelly on his back, her arms wrapped around his neck as he gave her a piggyback ride down the stairs.

    "Hey! There's my niece!" Dean said with a smile.

    "Hi, Uncle Dean! Mama! Look!" Kelly laughed. "I'm a dinomasaurus!"

    I smiled at the two and Jack crouched down, letting Kelly get off his back and climb into my lap.

   "I want a brother, Mama!" Kelly said happily.

    I looked at Jack. "You told her?"

    He raised his hands. "Nope."

    "She's gonna make one hell of a Hunter." Dean said.

    "Dean! We talked about this." I said as I covered Kelly's ears.

    "Oh. Right. No cursing around the kid. My bad." Dean apologized.

    "And we're not raising her to be a Hunter. I don't want that life for my kids." I added.

    "Mama? Where's my brother?" Kelly asked as I took my hand away from her ears.

    "I don't know if it's a girl or boy, Kelly." I took her small hand and placed it on my stomach.

    "Why is it in there?" Kelly asked curiously.

    I smiled. "To help the baby grow into a brother or sister for you."

    "I want a brother!" she said as loudly as she could at my stomach, looking up at me with a smile. "It heard!"

    Jack smiled and placed his hand on Kelly's head, having her giggle and move into her father's lap, his arms going around her as she curled into his chest. "Goodnight, my little princess."

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