Final battle

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Sara lunged at Kista jaws open however Kista swung her tail at the female Carcharodontosaurus' face.

Sara stumbled backwards from the attack as McKenzie slashed Kista on her left thigh with her scythe like claws.

Kista roared in pain as she felt McKenzie's claws slash her thigh.

Kista then smacked the female Therizinosaurus with her tail right in the shoulder area. McKenzie snarled in pain and glared at Kista.

"What's the matter? Got nothing to say?" Kista asked darkly.

McKenzie only answered with a screech and she charged at Kista.

Kista smirked as she then clamped down on McKenzie's forearm, drawing blood.

However McKenzie bit down on Kista's face with her beaked mouth.

Forcing the Tarbotyrannus to let go.

"After I'm done killing you, I'll kill your friends and then after that little girl and her parents!" Kista roared.

McKenzie let out a screech as she slashed Kista on the face with her claws.

Kista snarled as she lunged at McKenzie again however Sara rammed into her side and sent her flying.

Kista collided with a nearby tree and she snarled in anger at the female Carcharodontosaurus.

Sara tried to bite Kista on the neck but Kista dodged her attack and clamped down on Sara's neck and pushed her down.

However she noticed out of the corner of her eye McKenzie about to slash her on the tail.

Kista then smacked McKenzie hard with her tail and sent the female Therizinosaurus stumbling back.

Kista then tossed Sara at McKenzie and Sara fell on top of McKenzie.

The two lay in defeat and Kista approached them slowly and menacingly.

"You know what? I'll keep you two alive long enough to watch as I kill that kid and her family." Kista said and she looked over at Owen's car.

Which was barreling towards her.

Kista's eyes went wide in surprise as the car slammed into her and sent her flying backwards.

"Drive her towards a ledge!" Claire hollered as Owen fired his rifle at Kista.

With the bullet her in the ankle.

Kista snarled in pain from the shot.

Sara and McKenzie both staggered up onto their feet and Sara slashed Kista on the face as they forced her towards the nearest ledge.

However Kista noticed that they were herding her to the ledge and she lashed out at Owen, Sara, and McKenzie.

She smacked Owen aside with her tail sending him flying into a nearby snow bank.

She then threw Sara at a nearby tree were after making collision with it collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud.

McKenzie screeched as she lashed out with her claws.

Scratching Kista on her chest, neck, and face. However Kista slammed her tail into McKenzie's legs, tripping her.

The Therizinosaurus grunted in pain as she fell down onto the snowy ground.

Kista snarled softly as she approached McKenzie.

She loomed over the Therizinosaurus and prepared to bite down on her head.

Dino Jurassic Squad: Trespasser (completed)Where stories live. Discover now