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"Now remember. These visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege." McGonagall said as some students run late into the courtyard.

"Should your behaviour reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again." Harry ran up to her, an unsigned form in hand.

"No permission form signed, no visiting the village. That's the rule, Potter." She said.

"All those with permission, follow me. Those without, stay put." Filch said and I immediately felt bad for Harry, they started talking again, but I couldn't hear because Malfoy had already dragged me away, hand draped over my shoulder.

"I hate you." I whispered. And he smirks.

"Trust me sweetheart, the feelings mutual." The rest of the visit went on in a blur, some snarky comments that seemed to be flirting but was really just insulting each other were thrown between me and Draco, candies were bought, candies were ate and Harry was missed.

There was some commotion outside of the Gryffindor house, me and Malfoy went to check it out. I noticed Ron was saying something about Neville, presumably rude, and he hadn't noticed that Neville was behind him. Honestly, and he calls him his friend.

"Uh, let me through, please." No one moved at Percy's attempt to let him through.

"Excuse me, I'm head boy! Get back... all of you." Percy started pushing past them.

"No one is to enter this dormitory until it has been fully searched." He said, standing in front of the door

"Ginny, what's going on?" Hey, just because I'm not friends with Ron doesn't mean I can't be friends with his little sister?

"The fat lady... she's gone!" She said, immediately, everyone that had just arrived gasped. People started to move, and in the mix of it I caught a glimpse of the painting the fat lady used to inhabit. There was scratches all over, so deep that they had dug into the wood behind it as well.

"Serves her right, she was a terrible singer." Ron said, why can't he just shut that huge mouth of his?  Thank goodness for Hermione, who does it for him... not in that kind of way though.

"It's not funny, Ron." She said, clearly agitated by his words. The other paintings went into havoc, the knight from one of the paintings went into another one with three little girls and comforted them, covering their eyes from the sight. All of the Shakespearean's were crying, with their heads in their hands and one of the women's baby started crying.

"Keep calm, everyone. If your not in Gryffindor then go back to your common rooms. Alright, be quiet." Percy said while trying to usher the non-Gryffindors away from the painting.

"Make way! The head masters here!" Filch said, as he lead Dumbledore up the stairs at a fast jog.

"Come on. Move! Move!" He said again, moving people out of the way. Dumbledore stopped and inspected the painting, guilt on his face as he brushed his hand over the scratch marks.

"Mr. Filch? Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the fat lady." Dumbledore asked calmly but there was still a hint of a desperate tone within his words.

"There's no need for ghosts, Professor. The fat lady is there." Filch said, pointing to a savanna painting with hippo's inside. All of a sudden, all of the students started to run up the stairs to get to the painting.

"Hey, mind where your going! Slow down! You listen I'm head boy! Come back here!" Percy shouted over the scattering of feet and the scattered talking of students, they all make it to the painting and Dumbledore steps forwards.

"Dear Lady... who did this to you?" He asked, concern in his voice. She peeks up from her hiding spot behind the main hippo, she looks like she has been crying by the look of her mascara running down her face.

"Eyes like the devil, he's got. And a soul as dark as his name. It's him, Headmaster. The one they all talk about. He's here, somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!" Her words kept getting cut off by her own sobs and as she said his name she went back to crying her eyes out, poor thing.

"Secure the castle, Mister Filch. The rest of you, to the great hall."

"Hurry up, move on, move on!" Percy says. The doors clattered to a shut, metal scraping and clicking sounds echoed through the castle.

Everyone was falling asleep, but not me, I had to investigate. The only problem is the other students were having trouble going to bed after the events that just happened, so I had to stay up even later than them to be able to sneak out.

When all the teachers were out of the hall, I got up and snuck towards the door, I felt a hand grab my wrist and stifled a scream so the teachers wouldn't come running. I turned to see who the hand belonged to, and of course, it was Malfoy.

"What are you doing?" He said in a whisper, to which I didn't respond, he didn't need to know. I attempted to run away but his grip was too strong.

"What. Are. You. Doing." He said in a harsh whisper, clearly agitated that I didn't respond. Then we heard feet scuttling from the corridor.

"Quick! I'll explain later!" No I wasn't. He held my hand and ran me towards his sleeping bag.

"Get in." He whispered.

"What?" I said, my eyes widened.

"Do you want to live or what?" He asked me, so I reluctantly climbed into the sleeping bag. It was surprisingly comfy and warm, he had a big sleeping bag, so both of us could fit inside.

Before, I had stuffed my sleeping bag with a pillow and sacrificed some of my hair to become a decoy to hang outside of the bag. Just kidding! I would never sacrifice my hair! I used some extensions one of the girls in my dorm had, somehow they were very close to my shade of h/c.

I matched my breathing with Draco's as the teachers walked in. His head was under the sleeping bag and mine was at his stomach... I don't know why or how but my arms were around his waist, hugging him. Of course I couldn't move though, Dumbledore was here.

Dumbledore started talking to Snape about Sirius Black and I was listening along, I knew what Sirius was to Harry, and I knew that the grim was... never mind.

They walk out of the room and I Iet out a breath of relief, I look up and notice that Draco is looking at me, we stare into each others eyes until we hear footsteps coming towards our sleeping bag.

"Y/n, what are you doing in Draco's sleeping bag?" Someone asked, I looked up, and out of all people it had to be...

Ronald Weasley

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