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As I'm sitting on my bed I'm wondering how much time had went, what year was it? I checked the books Ron's mother had collected for me and peered into the back cover to find it being the 5th book, meaning that I am now in my fifth year...


My cart lines up with the brick pillar as I run into it with all my might, hoping this is the right pillar if it isn't I might as well be knocked out for another year. I make it through and I run straight for Harry, I had noticed his dark hair and isolation in the crowd.

"Missed me?" I said as I push him into a train carriage. His eyes widen as I sit across from him.

"Y/n!" He tackles me into a hug.

"You missed Fleur, she asked me where you were but I didn't know myself." He said, an indication to tell him what happened.

"Nor did I." I admitted, just then, Draco walks past the door and looks at me. Eyes that want to apologise. His stare sends tingles all over my body that remind me of the time in the woods, I death stare him until he moves on, only then do I let myself blush and hang my head.

"Are you ok?" Harry said, I shook my head realising he was still in here.

"What? Yeah yeah, I'm fine." I say, although he eyes me as if to say "I don't believe you." Charli storms into our carriage and hugs all the air out of me so I can't breath.

"Hi- Char- Li- Your- Squee- zing- too- tight-" She seems to not care as she pulls away.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight again, unless it's to do dirty stuff with Draco then I am not watching that." Harry stares daggers at me but I hold in my blush this time.

"What? You think I don't see you staring at Luna?" I tease but she doesn't giggle, she looks down sadly.

"Wait, don't tell me she died!" Charli laughed and shook her head, seeming to forget what had just happened. Harry walks out, apparently feeling disconnected in the conversation.

Draco slides in, typical Slytherin, he smirks at me and nods to Charli showing that he acknowledges her existence.

Draco lifted my hand and kissed it.

"So how you doing baby?" Oh, I see, we still have this act going huh? Well if your such a bad boy then let's see how long it takes for you to crack. I smirk and grab his face, tracing his jaw.

"Oh hell no, I'm out!" Charli said, but neither of us heard her, Draco closed the curtains with one hand while hugging my waist with the other, at this point we were on the same couch.

I move my mouth close to his, but I stop just before we make contact, I feel his warm breath on my skin.

"Oh Draco?" I whisper.

"What was that thing you said earlier?" I feel him tense under my grip, I used this opportunity to knock him out, I then spread some of his blood over my face from my clothing. The teachers notice the closed blinds and peek inside to see and unconscious man and an almost (not really) unconscious girl.

I put on a show of being scared as the lady asked me what happened.

"I-I don't know! Th-th-there was an I-invisible thing beating him up and then it left before it reached me!" One of the other teachers fetches me a blanket and put a Band-Aid on the blood. They picked up Draco and escorted him to the medical part of the train.

We arrive and I go to my potions lesson after a surprising introduction of Delores Umbridge, she was the lady who helped me on the train. When I arrive, Snape informs me that I will be tutored in most lessons by the one and only Draco to help catch up the year I missed. Of course it was Draco. It's always Draco this Draco that, ugh.

The way he tensed up though, it does make me question the possibility that he said what he said unwillingly. No, Draco controls everyone, not the other way around... right?

Snape dismisses us and I head back to my dorm, I have only one other class today which is after lunch. Suddenly I'm pulled into a broom closet.

"Ow!" I should as I'm stabbed in the leg with a fricken broom for goodness sake, it runs from my ankle to my knee cap leaving a splintery gauge.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" The person asked, I could somehow make out the figure in the dim light, it was that blue hair girl that lives in my dorm.

"Um, I thought I already told you this." I said, adding sugar to my words.

"I knew it was you who beat up Draco on the train, if it weren't for his dad, him and I would still be dating, but no, we had to break up a month into year 3!" Was this girl the half blood? A month into year 3? Does that mean Draco... wanted me to stay with him? Shit I've got to make things right!

I kick her in the stomach and rush out of the room, instead of going up into the girls dorm area, I run straight for Draco's.

"Draco!" I shout. "Can you please let me in?" No answer, I look down at my leg which had now turned into a huge ravine.

"Ah shit, I'm bleeding!" I say to myself but with that the door immediately opens, Draco lifts me up and carry's me to what I'm presuming is his bed. Without speaking, he gets busy wrapping my leg up with bandages. I look at his hands as he works, so delicately touching my skin so he doesn't hurt me.

"Who did this to you?" He says impatiently.

"Your girlfriend." I answer.

"Why would you do that to yourself?"

"No I meant the blue haired girl." We both look down at my leg.

"Why didn't you go to Madame Pomfrey's?"

"To be honest, I forgot the pain in my leg after I realised the pain in my heart." That's when I pull his shirt and kiss him, not like in the woods, this one was full of love not lust.

He smiled and lifted me up bridle style to get to Madame Pomfrey and I roll my eyes, laughing.

Green for Envy | Draco Malfoy x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now