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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I make it to my first lesson, math. I'm gonna be honest right now I suck at math, I just don't understand why they had to bring letters into it. Like dude the numbers are already hard enough maybe I'm just dumb I don't know nor do I care.

I walk into the class and everyone looks at me making me panic, I always try and avoid being seen, but I guess I can't wiggle myself out of this one.

"Hello, you must be the new student. Y/N Knight right?" I hear a chirpy voice say and look at the front of the class to see the teacher with a big smile and I smile back.

"Yes mam that is correct." I answer in a polite voice and her smile gets even bigger.

"Okay great, I am Mrs. Gwan. You can go take a seat next to Namjoon. Namjoon please raise your hand." I see a handsome boy with super cute dimples and blonde dyed hair and go to sit next to him.

"Hey my name is Kim Namjoon." The dimple boy says next to me giving me a small smile.

"Yeah I figured." I say and we both laugh until I hear another voice, I look over and she another guy with brown hair and a bright smile.

"Hey I'm Jung Hoseok, but you can call me J-Hope. Welcome yo our school, I hope you enjoy it here." Oh he's so cute and his smile just made my day.

"Hey, It's nice meeting you. I think you already know who I am." He nods and gives me another smile before turning back in his seat, listening to what the teacher is saying and I do the same.


After a few more lessons the bell rings signaling it's finally breaktime, as I'm walking out of class I hear Namjoon call me.

"Hey Y/N, you wanna come have lunch with me and my friends." I put my fingers on my chin acting like I'm thinking about it and J-hope comes up from behind Namjoon with a pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Please Y/n." I can't resist that, he's too damn cute.

"Fine." I sigh.

"Yes let's go." J-hope starts dragging me towards the cafeteria and I giggle while Namjoon just laughs and runs after us.

We make it to the cafeteria and go towards a table were I see my brother, a ethereal guy with a boxy smile and a cute one whit an adorable eye smile.

"Hey everyone." J-hope greets everyone while pushing me down to sit and laying on the bench with his head on my lap.

"The fuck, move man. I need somewhere to sit." Namjoon says while pushing J-hope off and taking a seat next to him

I laugh at them, but quickly stop when I see the two boys I haven't met yet look at me confused.

"Are you gonna introduce me to your friends guys." I look at J-hope and laugh nervously.

"Oh sorry for being rude. My name is Taehyung but you can call me V." The boy with the boxy smile says.

"And I'm Jimin." The cute one says giving me and adorable eye smile.

"Hey guys I'm Y/N." I smile at them and we all continue to chat until the moment was ruined when bunny bitch came out of nowhere. He sits down across from me while smirking, dear lawd save me please.

"Hey cutie, you were quite rude to m this morning." He pouts and I just groan.

"Hey man back tf up, that's my sister." My brother says while glaring at the bunny.

"Sorry dude, I can't help your sister is hot." Oliver just looks at him in disbelief. "My name is Jungkook, what's yours?" He asks in a flirty tone.

"Nunya." I simply reply and hear my brother chuckle, knowing what's about to happen.

"That's a strange name." I Jungkook mutter under his breath.

"Yeah mate, nun ya business." Everyone starts laughing and Jungkook just sits there not knowing what to say.

The bell rings again, meaning break is over and we all head to our classes. Thank goodness I was about to slap that smirk off Jungkook's face.

-𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬

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