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𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥

⬥𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥⬥

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Choke me like you hate me, but you love me. Lowkey wanna date me when you fuck me. Touch me with the lights off and my chains on. Baby, I'm not the right one you should wait on.


"What Oliver?!" I take my headphones off and glare at my idiotic brother.

"Bitch you were shouting something about choking you, I didn't know you are that kinky." I put my hand over his mouth and slap his arm.

"Shut up, people will hear us you dumbass." I quickly make sure nobody is looking at us and luckily everyone in the hallway is minding their business.

"bigsushhuwehghsgh." I feel Oliver lick my hand and let him go.

"Tf bish, your hand is salty."

"I didn't tell you to lick my damn hand."

"And I didn't tell you to put your crusty ass hand on my mouth."

I was about to say something, but the bell cuts me off and my brother sprints to his class happy that he got an excuse to escape me. I just walk to English and go sit next to Namjoon again.

"Good morning class, we have a new student. Everyone please welcome Veronica Lopez." Mr.Kang says and a girl with black hair and brown eyes, she looks she has a don't care attitude and that's my type of person.

"Ms.Lopez you can go sit infront of Ms.Yang. Chae-Yeong please raise your hand." I turn around and see  Barbie bitch, so that's her name 'may our father above have mercy for this poor girl's soul'


It's breaktime and while I'm walking toward the cafeteria and see Chae-Yeong and her minions pinning the new girl against a locker, this whore just doesn't quit.

"Hey Barbie, I didn't know you are into this type of shit." I point towards her pushing Veronica against the locker.

"Mind your own damn business whore." Oh the audacity.

"Okay you asked for it." I ran toward her and push her off Veronica and she falls on the floor while her slaves look at me with wide eyes.

"I think we should go." Veronica says and grabs my arm, dragging me to the cafeteria.

"Oh my goodness, tnx for that amigo." 

"No problem, I don't like that bitch anyways. Wanna come sit with me and my friends?" 

"Yeah sure, I'd like that. By the way my name is-"

"Veronica, I know. I'm Y/N."

"Of course you do, I forgot you're in most of my class" She says and starts getting red of embarrassment, I just laugh at her and we make our way to the boys.

"Sup everyone, this is Veronica." I say and all the guys introduce themselves to her.

While everyone is talking I see Jungkook staring at my chest, this little pervert.

"My boobs really bring out your eyes, don't they." At my words Oliver's head snaps towards us and Jungkook becomes a damn tomato.

"Hey do you want me to scratch your eyes out mate?" He glares at Jungkook playfully, oh this is amusing to him?

This is gonna be a long ass day.

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