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𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟𝐟

⬦𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟𝐟⬦

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It was Monday again and luckily my car is here now so we don't have to take the bus anymore.

"Mommy, can we go to Jin's house after school?" He asks with puppy eyes, how can I say no to that.

"Of course baby, you just have to tell me the address and we can go." I squish his cheeks and peck his lips.

"Yay thank you mommy." He hugs me and skips away to get ready for school.


"Guys come on we gotta go!" I yell to the boys and go to my car, waiting for them.

Jungkook runs to me and jumps in my arms, while my brother locks the door.

"I call shotgun!" Oliver yells and run to the passenger side, but I grab his arm.

"No you don't bitch, my baby is sitting with me." I smirk at him.

"You suck Y/N." He whines, but gets in the back.

"Get in the car baby boy, we have to go." I whisper in Jungkook's ear and slap his butt lightly while he's walking away.

"Ouch, what was that for?" He rubs his butt , I just smirk at him and get in the car.

"Because I felt like it and don't look at me like that olive." I say when I see my brother looking at me shocked.

"When did you become so bold?"

"I was born like that dude." I start the car and drive to school.

We make it to school and get out of the car. I grab Jungkook's hand and we walk trough the halls, talking. My brother disappeared, he probably went to find Jimin and Tae.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from MY Jungkook." Fuck I forgot about her.

"Go away Barbie, he isn't yours. In fact he's mine." Jungkook hugs me tight, scared of the crazy bitch in front of us.

"Yeah right." She scoffs, can't she see he's holding me for dear life.

"Maybe I should show you." I slightly pull Jungkook's shirt away and the hickeys I gave him show.

"D-did you do t-that?" She stutters and looks at us shocked and I see the rest of the boys and Nica coming our way.

"Duh dumbass, no do me favor and back off." I glare at her.

She just looks at me with anger and walks away with her minions.

"What chapter did I miss?" Veronica asks when she see Jungkook clinging to me.

"Me and Jungkook are dating." I give her a 'duh' look and she just rolls her eyes at me.

"No shit Sherlock, you can tell us later." She winks at me.

We all talk for a bit until the bell rings.

"Focus in school baby and if someone messes with you tell me okay." I hug Jungkook.

"I will mommy." He smiles at me and I kiss him.

"Okay please don't fuck here." I look at Namjoon and J-hope and se them trying not to laugh.

"Whatever let's go." I roll my eyes and we all make our way to class.


𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now