Off The Table

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A/N: Hey y'all! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it's a little different from what I usually write so I hope you don't mind. This is more of a "dramatic" chapter I guess but I kept it pretty short and to the point. No lemons in this one but there will be in the next chapter! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, just a fan :)

Just wanna know, is love completely off the table?


It's been two weeks since Sakura had left Kiba's apartment without a word. He'd tried to contact her many times, calling her almost every day and even coming by her apartment a few times. Sakura would always come up with excuses not to spend time with him, she was busy, tired, etc.

Sakura was growing increasingly frustrated with how relentless he was. How could she possibly get over her feelings for him if he wouldn't leave her alone? Whenever she saw him, all she wanted to do was curl into his arms and kiss him with as much passion as she could muster. However, her pride wouldn't let her do that. Instead, Sakura would just brush him off whenever he contacted her. It hurt her deep down but she convinced herself it had to be done.

Sakura sat on her couch, wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. She was attempting to read a book but she kept finding herself lost in thought. Sakura couldn't focus and after attempting to read the same page three times, she gave up. She groaned and slammed the book shut before throwing it on the floor. Sakura pouted and crossed her arms like a child.

"I can't believe this. How could I be so stupid?" Sakura thought to herself. She's come to terms that at some point, she fell in love with Kiba. She wasn't exactly sure when it happened, but it didn't matter. All the kisses, caresses, and sweet words had added up and Sakura was in deep.

"Can I ever truly love someone again? Like the way I used to?" Sakura questioned herself. The last time she had admitted her feelings to the man she loved, she was completely betrayed by him. How could she be expected to open up to someone again? Sakura secretly craved love, but at what cost?

Sometimes, Sakura found herself in moments of weakness. She wanted to reach out to Kiba, to apologize for her lack of communication and tell him how she really felt. But her mind always found it's way back to Sasuke. He had hurt her so much that Sakura couldn't even think of letting someone else in, especially Kiba who previously had a reputation as a player. Sakura told herself she'd just be asking to get hurt.

Sakura had been content by herself for all these years. After the war, Sasuke had promised to return to the village but he never did. Sakura grew tired of waiting, especially for someone who never returned her feelings in the first place, so she moved on with her life. She had accepted that love just wasn't meant for her, not in this lifetime anyways. But then Kiba comes around and completely shakes up her world.

Suddenly, a grumble from her stomach snapped the pinkette back to reality. Sakura let out a huff, standing up from her couch and walking to her kitchen. With all the stress she's been feeling lately, she hadn't been eating much. She opened her fridge and skimmed over the food when she heard a knock at her door.

Sakura was definitely not in the mood for company right now. She was tired, frustrated, and hungry. Not to mention she didn't exactly look her best. She had no makeup to hide the bags under her eyes from lack of sleep and her hair was tied up in a messy bun. She wore black sweat pants and a white tank top, she didn't even have a bra on since she was in the comfort of her own apartment and not expecting visitors.

Sakura sauntered to the front door and grabbed the knob, opening it. Her eyes widened slightly as she instantly recognized the dog nin before her. Sakura stood quietly, trying to figure out what to say. Before she could speak, Kiba caught her lips in a hot kiss. He grabbed her waist, pulling her body flush against his.

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