Come Thru

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A/N: As I've stated before, all chapters are named after songs but this one was completely inspired by the song Come Thru by Summer Walker and Usher. It's a great song and when I heard it, I just knew I had to make a chapter dedicated to it. Enjoy!

Content Warning: Lemons, language

If you don't like it, don't read it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto!

Got my feelings runnin' on a loop, this ain't what I'm really used to.


Sakura was tossing and turning in her bed, desperate to get comfortable. It had been hours and she still couldn't fall asleep. Luckily, she didn't work in the morning but still, she needed some rest. It had been a rough week at the hospital and all she wanted was to fade into slumber. She clutched the pink bear that Kiba had given her.

Unfortunately for the pinkette, her mind was running wild. Playing on repeat in her head was images of her and Kiba. Their passionate kisses, desperate touches, everything that they've ever done. She couldn't get him out of her mind and she was frustrated. She was not only sexually frustrated but also frustrated with the fact that Kiba had such a hold on her.

Kiba had been gone for a little over a week on a mission in the Sound Village and Sakura missed him. She found herself worrying about him, wondering if he's safe. Sakura knew that Kiba and Akamaru could handle themselves but she couldn't help it. This made Sakura question herself. Why did she care so much? Why did she think about him so much?

Sakura groaned and threw the blankets off of her body. She needed to go for a walk, obviously she wouldn't be getting sleep anytime soon. The kunochi quickly changed from her pajamas to a green t-shirt and black leggings before putting on a pair of sneakers. She looked at the clock before exiting her apartment.

"2:17am? This is stupid, I should be asleep." Sakura thought to herself, rolling her eyes. She left her apartment and locked the door behind her. She set off in no particular direction and began to wander at a leisurely pace.

Sakura navigated through the village, enjoying the peaceful silence. It was September and the air was a bit chilly. Sakura mentally cursed herself for not grabbing a jacket as she attempted to warm herself up by crossing her arms over her body.

She wandered aimlessly through the village, lost in her thoughts. Suddenly, Sakura found herself outside of Kiba's apartment building. She didn't know when or if she made the decision to walk here, but she was there now, staring at the beige concrete. Sakura glanced up and saw that Kiba's bedroom light was on.

"He must've just come home from his mission." The pinkette thought to herself. Sakura took a deep breath and made her way to his apartment door before knocking gently. Immediately after knocking, Sakura regretted her decision. After a few moments, the kunochi was about to turn around and leave but suddenly the door opened.


Kiba was changing out of his Anbu uniform and putting on a pair of comfy sweatpants instead. He groaned as he peeled off the dirty clothes. He was sore all over but happy to be back home. Just as he pulled up a pair of black sweats over his hips, he heard a knock on his door.

"Who's stopping by this late?" Kiba thought to himself. Akamaru was also on alert, he followed close behind Kiba as he went to answer the door. Kiba unlocked the door and opened it hesitantly. He saw a head full of pale pink locks and he instantly recognized the visitor.

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