At Last

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A/N: Last chapter! It's been so fun writing this and I really hope y'all enjoyed it :) I have some ideas for the future, mainly some one-shots BUT I do have some ideas for a sequel so if anyone wants to see that, lmk and I'll start brainstorming.

Anyways, enjoy the final chapter!

Content Warning: Lemons, language

If you don't like it, don't read it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

At last, my love has come along, my lonely days are over...


Sakura's eyes fluttered open as sunlight poured through the windows and shone onto her face. She squinted at the blinding light and let out a soft groan. She turned to lay on her opposite side, facing away from the sun. Her body was sore, she strained to move her muscles. Sakura now had a view of a dog nin's tanned, muscular back. She smiled warmly as she inched closer to Kiba, closing the gap between their naked bodies. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek against his back.

"Why am I always little spoon?" Kiba mumbled groggily.

"You know you love it." Sakura replied. Kiba could practically hear the smile in her voice, this made him grin in return. He loved when she was happy. He turned to face the pinkette, taking in her beauty.

It blew Kiba's mind that anyone could look so perfect after just waking up. Sakura's skin was so smooth, it reminded him of porcelain. Messy, pink locks framed her face. Her eyes were still a bit sleepy but he could see her glistening emerald orbs behind her thick lashes. Her lips were as luscious as ever, begging to be kissed.

"You're so beautiful, Sakura." Kiba said in a raspy voice. A blush covered Sakura's cheeks. She was so in love with Kiba. She loved everything from his affectionate words to his sexy morning voice. Even after all they've gone through together, Sakura still gets butterflies in her tummy for Kiba.

The dog nin wrapped his arms around Sakura and pulled her in for a soft kiss. His hardened chest pressed against Sakura's soft, bare breasts. Kiba gently worked his lips over Sakura's while running his hands up and down her amazing body. He smirked against her lips when he felt her nipples hardening against him. The simplest touch made her melt and he loved it.

Kiba grabbed one of her thick thighs and pulled it on his hip, bringing them even closer together. He tenderly massaged her thighs and round ass. Kiba put more force into the kiss, leaning deeper into Sakura and nibbling on her lips. Sakura instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and arched her back into him.

Light moans and gasps escaped her lips as Kiba's calloused hands roamed her body. He took this opportunity to dip his tongue into her mouth. Sakura's tongue fought against Kiba's, a battle for dominance ensuing. The pinkette ultimately lost the battle, letting the dog nin explore her mouth freely. She did the same to him, memorizing every detail. She ran her tongue over his perfectly straight teeth, noting how sharp his canines were.

Sakura let her hands roam over Kiba's muscular torso, massaging him where he was tense. Her palms glided across his chest to his shoulders. Kiba grabbed Sakura's ass, hard, causing her to lightly scratch down his biceps. Kiba growled into the kiss, he felt the blood rushing to his groin. His erection stood tall and Kiba ground his hips against Sakura's unclothed core.

"Kiba!" Sakura gasped out, breaking their intense kiss. She could feel every vein of his length rubbing against her, wetness quickly grew between her legs. Kiba started grinding into her a bit harder and faster. Pleasure washed over Sakura's sore body despite her still recovering from last night's activities. "I'm still sore, Kiba." Sakura whined.

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