🗝Gone for good🕷

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This is against (and also my first against story I've written, please give tips or recommendations on what I can do to help my writing!)

Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou had just walked into class way later than before. He woke up later and had to rush. His hair was more fluffy looking, he didn't even have his tie on, and he was sweating.

He soon walked into class regaining himself as if nothing had happened. But something was off. The "Bakusquad" hadn't walked up to him or came to talk to him. They just stared at him. Not in a good way but In a way that's making bakugou uneasy. He can feel them burning holes into him. Holes filled with disgust and disappointment.

Bakugou turned around and looked straight at them. But they're eyes didn't move. The bakusquad continued to glare at bakugou which made him turn around and sweat a bit.

The entire class was there before him and he knew that they gave him that look when he walked in.

That disgusting look. A look that someone would only give if they found maggots in there lunch.

A disappointed look. People like the bakusqud, Iida, Momo, and some others had.

But someone didn't have any of those look. A certain green haired boy. With freckles scattered all over his body. His emerald eyes. He looked at bakugou with a "I'm sorry" look. Though the bell rang and everyone returned to their seats. Bakugou could still feel the stare though. They never went away.


As soon as the bell rang bakugou waited for everyone else to leave. Everyone else besides Kirishima.

He hated to admit it but Kirishima made him feel more comfortable. Someone bakugou looked up to. Someone who made bakugou blush just the slightest.

As soon as everyone left bakugou got up at walked to kirishimas desk. Bakugou expected a toothy grin or a "Hey bro!" But no. Kirishima just finished packing up. It's not like he didn't know bakugou was there. He definitely knew.

Kirishima then finished packing up and looked bakugou in the eyes. "I'm disappointed in you Katsuki." Kirishima broke the silence between them. Bakugou just shot kirishima a confused look.

"Don't act all confused. Midobro told us what you did to him in middle school."

He told them..

"I-I.. wait kirishima!"

Kirishima just walked off.

He knows...the whole class knows. That nerd.. he said...he said..he wouldn't tell anyone..

Bakugous thoughts bursted. Bakugou apologized. He did..he ment it and everything.

"It's okay kachan! I forgive you. I promise I won't say a word!"

He promised.

A few weeks passed. Bakugou experienced a lot throughout those 3 weeks.

The "Bakusquad" or what is now known as the "Minasquad" gave a present to bakugou.

You might think that they forgave him but no. The present contained all of Bakuou's gifts that he gave them. They even returned the pictures they took with each other. There were also notes. Notes that were un needed but they put it there anyway. Notes from kirishima,Mina,Denki, and sero.

'Look what you did to Midoriya is unforgivable. So unforgivable that we can't even look you in the eye.. -sero'

'I'm sorry dude but that was way to far. No sorry can ever fix what you've done to Mido-bro. -Denki'

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