🕷Gone for good ~Part 2 🕷

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Everything happned in a blink of an eye.

Someone who was walking by watched the sene in shock. They stood there for about a minute with their jaw hung open, with goosebumps spreading their skin. Only after seeing the blood ooze out of bakugous body they called for help. Sirens and medic were outside assisting bakugou. The dude that passed by explained what they saw in huge detail.

The teachers and staff awole to sirens and knocks at their door. The first few people coming out were Mr. Aizawa, All Might, and Present Mic.

𝙼𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝟷𝙰...

While that went on the group of students were walking back to UA with smiles on their faces and chatting to each other. No one heard the sounds of the sirens nor saw the huge group of people standing near UA.

Well until they were closer. The students saw medics rushing to pull someone inside the ambulence. Everyone ran up to see what happned. They all thought a villian attack had happned but when the saw the blonde hair spiking up from the stretcher...they had a idea of who got hurt.

Midoryia was the first to run up to bakugou. While the rest watched the green haired boy run up to the blonde with a worried expression. Izuku was shocked and felt sorry that bakugou had to fight the villians without him and the class.

"What happend?" Izuku asked blindly. "Oh..uh...im not sure if im aloud to tell you this but you seem like you have a close relation with the kid soo.." The medic came close to Izuku's ear and mutterd "The kid..he uh..jumped off the building. Basically trying to commit suicide.." The medics eyes looked so glossy. It was probably their first time being at the senes  where a suicide has taken place. She looked down for a moment and then soon carried on helping the other medics.

Izuku stood there blankly. His mouth opened slightly forming a oval. His eyes were wide and his mind seemed to be drifting off into many thoughts. The rest of the class watched Izuku stand there by the blonde. They were worried for the greenette but not so much for the blonde.

Kirishima walked out of the crowd and walked up to Deku. "Mido-bro? You good? It's not like the villains did much to the school by the looks of it so you don't have to worry.!" Kirishima sorta yelled in a joyful tone to try and ease deku. But Deku still stood there. It was as if he was frozen in place. Uraraka was about to go up to Izuku before Mr. Aizawa came up to the large group.

"There was a villain attack right? Is anyone else hurt?"

"Is the school ok?!"

"Who's blood is that in the ground?"

The questions kept coming but Mr. Aizawa raised his hand to show a stop sign with his hand. "No. There was not a villain attack.." Mr.Aizawa said blankly but the end seemed more sadder. Not like his usual sad and depressed tone but something different. The tone sounded like it held guilt and grief. Even Mr.Aizawa's eyes were red.

"Look. I'm not going to repeat it twice so you better listen. Proble-..Bakugou..Bakugou tried to commit suicide by jumping off the school building...I-uh..you guys will-no. MUST write on a peice of paper if you had anything to do with bakugou wanting to do that. Also, I don't expect to see any lies on here. I will find out if you do lie...w-well..uh..you can go back to your dorms now.. there will also be no school till Thursday.."

And with that Mr.Aizawa walked away as soon as he stopped talking. He raised his elbow up to his eyes to wipe some of his tears.

The class was shocked. Everyone's eyes were wide opened and most had their mouths opened. Izuku ran towards the ambulance where they held Bakugou. By the looks of it he's going to stay in the hospital till further information. The 'Mina-squad' had tears already filling their eyes. Mina was crying out loud while holding onto kirishima who stared at the ambulance with tears wetting his cheeks. Denki was hugging Mina while also crying, while Sero stared into nothing with tears in his eyes.

The 'Mina-squad walked towards the ambulance. They were really guilty. They were Bakugous best friends...or well ex-best friends. They hadn't realized that although Bakugou has said that to Izuku that doesn't mean he's trying to change. Of course if a stranger were to look at bakugou and his past self they would see no difference. But they should've. They should've stayed with him, not leave him in the dust.

Most of the class had already walked inside of UA with their heads hung low. The only ones who stood outside were Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki. Iida stared at the blood on the floor, most of it had already dried up already. Iida stared at the blood, he couldn't imagine it..the top student of class 1A..the student who had a massive ego..the student who was drived to be a hero tried to commit suicide. Iida was disappointed in himself..he is the class president after all, he's supposed to make sure every student is doing their best and feels the best..he's been doing that but avoiding one person..Bakugou.

With Izuku and the 'Mina squad'
"I'm sorry kids. Only 2 people can come with us and one kid has already offered to come first. It's either you all can't come or one comes and one only." The driver said to the group of 4. Izuku sat near Bakugou who layed still but still held his smile. "..I'll go then." Kirishima spoke up, the 3 looked at Kirishima but soon nodded when seeing kirishimas face.

Kirishima hopped in and the vehicle started. It was quite but Izuku and Kirishima gave glances at each other every few minutes.

They soon arrived and Katsuki was rushed into a emergency room. The 2 tried to follow inside but was pushed out for obvious reasons.

Izuku sat on a chair close by with his head hung low slowly muttering to himself. Kirishima paced slowly while staring at the room they held Bakugou in.

"Midobro.." Kirishima spoke up. His pacing came to a stop when he reached Izuku. Kirishima didn't really know what to say but the silence was killing him. "...y-yes Kirishima-kin?" Izuku spoke up but it was a bit soft and raspy. "I-...what you told us...w-was it true..?" Kirishima was now sitting next to Izuku and looking at him. "..yeah...I shouldnt have told you guys..I wasnt even supposed to tell you guys. We promised to not tell anyone about middleschool but..I lied.." izuku broke down. The memories of him and Bakugou having the conservation to each other. The promise.

"Im sorry too..I wish I can just go to Bakugou and hug him..tell him i'm sorry. This was so unmanly for me to do.." Kirishima looked down now too. He liked Bakugou for a long time and it hasnt stoped. The note he gave to Katsuki was a lie..there was no way he could stop loving Katsuki.

A few minutes passed (10 to 20)

A nurse came out looking down. The 2 quickly came up to her and asked if Katsuki is ok.

"Katsuki Bakugou is....

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anyway this is really important if you want another part to this lol so should bakugou be anouned dead or should Bakugou be anounced alive but with permanent memory loss? 🙀🙀🙀

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