Chapter 6

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Two months have passed by very quickly and in these two months, Jungkook never failed to fulfill his duties towards Taehyung despite not receiving any response back ...and whenever he receives a response it's always either an insult or to remind him how he is just a stranger to him and he doesn't take him as his wife...still everyday Jungkook follows what he had decided...he gives Taehyung his lunch with a sweet smile and goes to work ...comes back late at night and checks the lunchbox first to find it empty everyday ...though Taehyung didn't talk to him like normal husbands do nor did he make any effort to make Jungkook feel wanted but still Jungkook coped up with it thinking at least Taehyung was not denying to eat the food he made with so much love ...though taehyung's rude and insulting behaviour always hurted him like a bitch he was still determined to hold onto the small gradually dying hope that one day everything will be better ...moreover he had also promised Taehee that he will be patient and try to fight for his love here he is, again making lunch for his husband with Martha helping him ...oh right, jungkook had also got a new habit ...he doesn't eat his breakfast ...the reason he told while being asked by Martha was that, he didn't want to eat because taehyung also didn't eat and it will look so bad if his husband is not eating and he is...
Well that's what his 'mother' told him to do mentioned earlier, his mother wanted him to always be on Taehyung's good side and follow everything that a perfect housewife should follow ...his 'mother' would have also suggested him to leave the company if it was possible but she can't do that coz she had zero skills in business and designing...moreover all she wanted was to enjoy life not to get involved in stuffs like business and so on she told jungkook that he needed to do both at the same time ...handle the company as well as his household duties ...

Well , as for taehyung he is still a stupid man who is so into his work-life that he can't see others these entire two months taehyung took the lunch made by jungkook and gave it to Jimin who of course shared it with hoseok everyday...they both were happy at first because they love jungkook's homemade food but then after a few days, Jimin too confronted taehyung about why he never eats the lunch himself and gives it to him but taehyung always said that he just doesn't feel like eating or he will eat it at home when jungkook will make it again someday ...though Jimin didn't seem to be fully satisfied with the answer, he didn't question it further because he thought it's not his right to meddle between the couple's private matter more thing that happened in this month is that yoongi never spoke with taehyung...even if he did, it was limited to just one or two words ... taehyung tried to make a conversation with yoongi but always received a cold shoulder and a glare from the elder so he didn't try any further ...

Today too, as usual Jungkook gave Taehyung his lunch with a smile and went to his room ... Taehyung too left for work Jungkook has a very important meeting with his new clients at 4 p.m. so needed to be at office a little early to check all the documents again ...he got ready properly and left after telling Martha who wished him luck for the meeting ...
He reached the office and started to work after his secretary told him his schedule for today ...


It was 11:55 a.m .and Taehyung was also working in his office when Jimin came in and asked him for the contract file which had the documents of their new deal with the Han industries ...

"What are you talking about Jimin ? Why would I have that file ? " Taehyung asked making Jimin look at him shock ...

" Have you lost your mind Taehyung? I gave it to you yesterday so that you can recheck the designs and contract before  signing them ...they want the deal to be finalized by 1 p.m this afternoon or else they will not invest in our new launch....don't tell me you forgot about it ..." Jimin said in horror ...this deal was a big one for their company ...not only Han industries is one of the most biggest and richest company in the whole Asia but they are also known for always giving the best in terms of buisness and finally getting the chance to be working with them is a great opportunity for Taehyung's company ...

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