Chapter 18

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Umm Hiii !!!!
Oh yes, your are not dreaming...I am still alive ...

So before starting with everything, I want to say sorry ...for not updating my books since months ...for disappointing you all ...for making you all wait ... I am sorry for just, everything ...

There were reasons why I couldn't update and now I want to share them with you ...
First reason being ...I got admission in an university ...yayyyy ...
I thought my university life will be full of fun and joy ...making many new friends, talking to different kinds of people, hanging out with friends, exploring new places with them but unfortunately, nothing went the way I thought it would ...

I got admission very late ...almost half of the semester was over when I started my classes ...and maybe that was the reason why many people of my class didn't want to mingle with me or talk to me ...they just didn't want to accept me as a part of their own ... fortunately, I got two friends who really understood me and supported me ...but the stress of how I will cope up with all the missed lessons and complete the ongoing ones was eating my head ...then one day, there was some discussion going on in the class and the topic came to BTS and how they are overrated ...I was furious hearing that and warned them to never spew nonsense about things which they don't know and that's how everyone came to know that I am a die hard fan of BTS ...

From that day onwards, most of the people started to mock me and talk behind my back about how I don't have standards and how they get irritated when they see me ...
Our class's CR is worse ...I can literally kill that bitch if I could ...I tried complaining to my teachers but they shrugged everything off ...and staying away from home was not helping at all ...I was never a girl who would stay quiet and endure everything but at that moment I didn't have anyone to support me considering the fact that I was still a newbie ...I didn't want my parents to be worried about me so I didn't share all this with them ...all of this continued for 3 and a half months ( November, December, January and half of February) ...

And to add with everything, I live in the hostel that the university provided ...and strangely the hostel in not in the campus ...rather it is very far from the university ...this is a place where I can't wear shorts, where I can't go out after 7 in the evening, where I can't order food after 7p.m., where I don't get good food ...infact where I don't even get basic necessities like wifi ...
When I complained about all this to the hostel incharge, the wardens started to target me...they also started to taunt me in everything ...I was just fed up of everything and finally told all this to my parents ...
And that was the best decision I made ...

They came to meet me and explained how I shouldn't stay quiet when fighting for my rights ...they made me understand that just because I am alone here with no one to stand behind me doesn't mean I will have to endure everyone's bullshit ...
And I finally got the courage to confront everyone who was after me ,getting on my nerves ...

From the next day on, whenever they tried to mock me, I started to roast them back ... actually not roast but literally burn them with my words ...
Eventually they got to see a new savage side of me and understood that I won't be staying quite any longer ...
Fortunately in all these months I had observed each and every student of my class very well and also got to know some very interesting facts about each one of them ...and obviously I used those things to answer them back ...I left them in a place where they weren't even able to say anything to me as they knew that whatever I said was true ...they had no one ...and then finally everything got settled down ...
I finally started to enjoy my college life and made some more new friends who love me ..

I know all this sounds over exaggerated but for me these 4 months were very painful ...but it did teach me some good things as well ...some things that I will actually be needing to live in this society ...
And that's my side of the story ...

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