Chapter 13

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The awaited day has come very soon and Jungkook was in his room, getting ready to go to his company and also for the press meet ...
While putting on his moisturizer after showering, he remembered that this will be his last day in this house ...last day in this room and this made him a bit sad but he didn't let that feeling last long was not worth it ...he went to his closet and took his outfit and quickly changed into them ...he put on some makeup and successfully covered up the slight redness on his neck which he got from the allergy last night ..
He then went downstairs and met Martha who was in the living room, cleaning the center table ...

"Noona .." Jungkook called her and she turned around ...

"Oh jungkook-ah are leaving for office already ?? It's just 7:15 now ..but anyways ,good luck for your day ...and also, try to come back a little earlier today ..I am planning on making your favourite dish ..." Martha said with a sweet smile but Jungkook didn't say anything ...he came towards Martha and hugged her, making her surprised ...

"Noona ...I ..won't be coming back here...I am moving out today .." Jungkook said hesitantly and martha was shocked ...she quickly pulled out of the hug and looked at jungkook's with wide eyes ...

"What do you mean ?are you pranking me or something?" Martha asked ,her eyes still wide while staring at jungkook who took a deep breath ...

" No noona's the truth ...I won't be living in this house anymore ...I am going to live in my own penthouse from now on .." Jungkook said ...

"But why ? What happened so suddenly?
Did master again do something ? Did he say anything to you?
And don't tell me that it's nothing coz I know something must have happened for you to take this decision...tell me kook-ah ..." Martha said...Jungkook didn't want to say the entire thing but he knew that he had to give some reason to her. ..

"You are right ...something happened ..again ...the only difference is , this time I won't let it go just like that ...he has given me a wound that cannot be cured ...
These past months, I tolerated everything he said and did to me without any questions...I tried my best to change myself ...I tried my best to make him fall for me but now I have realised that he won't love me and it's not worth changing myself for him...for anyone actually...I have decided to be just me ...I ..I have noticed that the more I love him or the more I make efforts for him ,the more I get hurt ...I can feel myself getting weaker day by day because of these emotions and I hate it ...
I was not like this noona ...I never cared if someone liked me or not...I never felt anything if someone left me ...aunt Taehee told me to change so that I can be happy but I am not ...that's why I have decided that I will be just me least I will be satisfied that way ...
and not only Taehyung, but there are other people as well who made me realise that it was a bad decision to change ...they have started to think that they can rule over me , control me and I won't let it happen ...I want to live my life just the way I did before taking this stupid decision of changing myself ...
I just wanted to inform you that I will be returning to my place today these past three months, you have loved me, cared for me and treated me like your own brother and I am very grateful for it ...I didn't want to leave without telling you, afterall you have become a big part of my life was only you who helped me survive in this house these three months...

And don't worry can visit me anytime you want ...I will send you the address of my penthouse ...moreover we can always contact each other to stay in touch ...
Now I have to leave for office hmm men will come and fetch all my belongings from here later today ... please show them the room I was staying in ...take care of you and your family and don't forget to contact me if you ever face a problem ...I will be very happy to help you anytime noona ..." Jungkook said with a small smile and martha was already crying ...indeed Jungkook changed for better and went back to his past self...indeed he has decided not to show emotions to anyone but that does not mean he will become ungrateful ...Martha has always been his support system all this time and it will be so insensitive of him if he didn't show her how thankful he is to her much she means to him ...she has become the loving sister that jungkook never had and Jungkook will make sure to fullfill all the responsibilities he has as her brother ...

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