Chapter 17

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Taehee reached jungkook's company and asked the receptionist if Jungkook was in the company or not ...the receptionist called jungkook's secretary and asked the same and after talking, she turned toward Taehee ...

"Yes ma'am ...he is in the company but is currently attending a meeting will have to wait .." the receptionist said with a polite smile and Taehee nodded ...

"I will wait in his office then .." Taehee said and went towards the elevator ...everyone in the company knew her very well as she used to visit Jungkook many times in the past two years so no one stopped her when she made her way towards their ceo's cabin and entered it ...

Taehee waited for approximately 45 minutes inside the cabin, thinking about how she would apologise to Jungkook and take him back home ...she sighed and stood up to go out and ask if Jungkook was done or not but just as she neared the door, it was pushed open and in came Jungkook with a cold face with his secretary following right behind ...
Jungkook saw Taehee and sighed, already getting an idea about why she was here ...he told his secretary to go out to which his secretary nodded and took his leave ...

He went towards the floor to ceiling glass wall of his office and stood there while looking outside, his arms crossed over his chest and his back facing taehee ...

"You wanted something?" Jungkook asked in a cold voice when he saw that taehee was not say anything...
And hearing his blunt question, made Taehee's heart churn in pain ...Jungkook suddenly seemed so distant from her smiles, no greetings, no hugs ..nothing ...

"I ..uh ..yes ..I wanted to .. apologize to you ..." Taehee said hesitantly feeling a lump forming in her throat ...

"For what?" Jungkook asked still looking outside the glass wall ..

"For .. everything ...
I want to apologise to you for everything I did ...I am sorry... I know ..I know that a mere sorry doesn't change anything...I know it won't lessen the pain you have gone through but I still want to take the chance and apologize to you for ruining your life....
I feel so ashamed for the things Taehyung did and said to you but trust me I never thought he would do something so cruel ...I believed in him ...I trusted him that he will take care of you ..I made him promise me that he will keep you happy but he didn't keep that promise and I am sorry for that too ...
I shouldn't have forced you to do this marriage ...I shouldn't have been so selfish and I realised how wrong I was ...
That's why I am here to gain your forgiveness baby ... please forgive me ...and come back home ...plz ..." Taehee pleaded but Jungkook didn't turn around ...

"Are you done ? " Jungkook asked ,his voice was still cold ...

"What?" Taehee asked confused...

" I asked, are you done?
If yes, then leave ..." Jungkook said while turning around and looking at Taehee ...

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