Chapter 4

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A very important question:
Would you guys mind if I write this book with a femboy concept?
Actually I suddenly got the idea of making koo a femboy in this book ...meaning he will crossdress and will also have bp and boobs ... I am quite excited to try writing the femboy concept...
What do you say? Will you guys like to read this book that way ?
Should I start working on it ?

Plz tell me in the comments...🙏🙏

On the other hand Taehyung also got busy with his paperwork and meetings ...
The lunchbox kept at one side on his desk ...when lunch break arrived and he stretched his back which was aching from sitting in the same position for so long and that's when his eyes suddenly fell on the lunchbox and his thoughts went back to jungkook's words ...he was thinking about everything Jungkook said and it would be a lie if he says that he didn't feel anything in his heart from those words but again his dumb self ignored it(🙄)...

He took the lunchbox and opened it soon as the lid was opened, he was hit with a delicious aroma making his mouth water ...he looked inside the box and to his surprise, it was his favourite jjajangmyeon ...

he looked inside the box and to his surprise, it was his favourite jjajangmyeon

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Only now he realised that Jungkook made all his favourite foods today .. starting from breakfast to his lunch ...he gulped hardly thinking of every word he told Jungkook this morning instead of thanking him for his efforts but again shook thoughts 'stupid' thoughts off his mind ...
He was still looking at the delicious looking food in his hand when someone barged inside his office without knocking and he knew who it could be ... ofcourse his one and only best friend Jimin ...

"Tae, you punk... why did you not answer your phone ? You said you will take us to the newly opened cafe today ...Me and yoongi were waiting for you .." Jimin said furiously as he entered the room and sat of the chair opposite to Taehyung while yoongi also entered after him and laid down on the sofa ...

" I am asking you som...what is that ?
So this is the reason you didn't come huh? You dear wife sent you lunch ...aww ,so romantic ..." Jimin squealed when he saw the lunchbox ... Taehyung was about to say something when Jimin again started ...

" Well ..if you have already planned to eat your dear wifey's handmade food then you have to let me have a taste of it too ...I am curious how good of a chef Jungkook is ...I mean, he is the youngest billionaire to ever exist because of his business  and fashion skills so let's see how good his cooking skills are ..." Jimin said excitedly while looking at Taehyung expectantly ...

"Yeah yeah can have it all ..I wasn't gonna eat it anyway least it will not go to trash anymore have it .." Taehyung whispered the last part to himself while rolling his eyes and tossed the food towards Jimin who looked at him as if he had grown two horns ...Jimin shook his head and took a bite of the jjajangmyeon and moaned in delightfulness ...

"This the best thing I ever had ...god, I can eat it forever ...yoonie, you have to try it ..." Jimin said with a smile and ran towards yoongi with the noodles ...he made yoongi sit up and shoved a bite inside his mouth first yoongi made a stunned face at the sudden act but when the flavour hit his taste bud his eyes widened ...

"It's yumm ...damn, jungkook's a really good cook ..." Yoongi said asked Jimin to feed him some more ...and on hearing this Taehyung too was shocked because getting a compliment out of yoongi is not at all easy ...that man always keeps to himself and never opens his mouth unless it's very necessary ..he says that he is too lazy to speak but everyone knows that once yoongi speaks his savage words no one will be able to handle him ... that's the reason everyone calls him a savage king and getting a compliment from this person is exactly like an achievement ...getting praised by the Min Suga is no joke ...

"Tae, are you sure you don't want it ?
It's delicious will love it ..." Jimin tried once again ...

"I said no Jimin ...I don't want it ...and if you are done then will you plz leave ? I have some work to finish ..." Taehyung said in a bored tone and this was not unnoticed by someone ...

"Fine ..whatever you say ...don't eat it ...anyway you will get to eat alot of it at your home ...afterall your dear wifey will cook for you ..tch, lucky you...I will return this after I finish it ..." Jimin said and made his way out still munching on the noodles while Taehyung made an annoyed face at the mention of 'wifey' and again this was noticed by someone ...that someone being yoongi who frowned at his behaviour ...
Yoongi too stood and went towards the door ..he was about to open it but stopped and looked back at Taehyung who was staring at his laptop ...

" Taehyung ..." Yoongi called as he turned towards Taehyung who looked up from his laptop ...

" Learn to respect and care for the things you have now... love them ...
and if you don't, then be ready to regret later ...and trust me, that regret will have no end ..." Yoongi said in a serious tone and left, leaving Taehyung in utter confusion ...

'what the hell does he mean ..ughh !! I will go crazy with all these ...' Taehyung thought to himself and sighed ...he called his secretary and asked him to bring some hot chocolate for him and went back to work ...

It was 11 p.m. when Jungkook returned back from work ...he was exhausted to the core ...when he entered the living room, he was met with silence ..

'taehyung must be sleeping...' Jungkook thought to himself and went to his room ...
Taehyung wakes up at 7 a.m... goes to work at 9 in the morning, returns home at 8 in the evening , freshens up, does some pending work (if needed) ...eats his dinner which Martha makes before leaving ,reads any book for half an hour and sleeps exactly at 10:30 p .m every single day was his daily routine since the time he took over the company for Jungkook, he too usually woke up at 7 a.m. and went to work at 9 but since he is married and has more responsibilities now so he decided to wake up at 5:30 , then do his morning routine, workout ,make breakfast and lunch, do some house chores with Martha's help and then get ready to leave for work at 10a.m...and since he reaches a little late to his office so he will have to work late at night too ...
It was the order of his 'mother' that he had to finish all the pending work before leaving the office and of course Jungkook can't deny her since the starting itself he has been working more than his body could take every single day ... usually he returned to his own penthouse where he lived before marriage at 9 or 9:45 at night after work but now he will be back even more completely depends on the amount of work he has for the day as to how late he will be back home ...

Jungkook took a shower and came downstairs to the kitchen to eat his dinner but when he entered the kitchen the first thing he saw was the lunchbox he packed for Taehyung kept beside the sink ...the first thing his mind and heart said was that Taehyung didn't eat the food ...he could feel his heart throbbing just by the thought of it ...he went near it and opened it just to see it empty...he heaved a breathe he didn't even know he was holding ...

' he ate it ..I can't believe he ate it ...omo, I hope he liked it ...but he wouldn't have eaten it if he didn't like it ...
Wait...if he likes it, then that means I should make lunch for him everyday ..oh god, what should I make for him tomorrow?Ahh ..I am so happy he ate it ...' Jungkook thought to himself and squealed ...he felt a bit of hope flickering inside him that he will be able to make this marriage work ...maybe he will be able to make Taehyung fall for him ...maybe they will have a happy married life ..maybe he will finally be happy ...but only if he knew the truth, he wouldn't have allowed himself to have that hope ...he wouldn't have dreamt of having Taehyung by his side always ...
Fate always has a way to play with us ...who knows what is about to come for Jungkook ...
Let's see what happens next ...


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