Chapter 10

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There was Jungkook, standing right in front of him with only anger filled in his sparkling eyes ...he face became red as he was literally shaking from rage and looking at Taehyung as if he would kill him if he hears a single word more ...

"You say I am traitor ? A cheater?
Fine ...I am ...
Think whatever you want to think about me coz I don't give a damn ...but one thing I can promise you ...
The day this cheater proved his innocence in front of you and the whole world, that day will be the last day you see him...this traitor will make sure that you pay for the things you did and said to him till now...
You are right ...I am a monster and a monster doesn't spare anyone .. doesn't forgive you have crossed your limits and now I will show you what this monster can do ...
Just get lost from my sight ...right now" Jungkook said with a blank face and monotone voice and it actually scared Taehyung ...he was thinking whether he really said more things than needed...he was about to say something maybe apologize for crossing the line but Jungkook shut him up again ...

"Do I need to call the security and make them throw you out or will you leave yourself ?" Jungkook said while glaring at him and Taehyung thought it was better to leave for now so he went out after sighing ...
He didn't intend to say so much ...he never wanted to say such cruel things and he definitely didn't want to call Jungkook a monster ...he didn't even mean it.. he said all those nonsense in his anger and frustration and now after looking at how affected Jungkook seemed from his words is making him feel extremely guilty ...

'ughh ..fuck my anger issues...what should I did now ?
What was I even thinking before saying such nonsense seriously Taehyung!!and why the hell did you bring his father in all this ?? How can you be so insensitive ... Fuck you and your foul mouth ...

he did betray me ...he did steal my project so was I that wrong into blaming him ??he shouldn't have stolen my designs...But did he really ?
Ugh ..I don't even know what to think anymore... ' Taehyung thought while ruffling his hair and again drove towards his company ... somewhere in the back of his mind a voice was softly whispering to him that Jungkook didn't do such a thing and he, himself went overboard with his words without any prove. was telling him to apologise was also telling him that he was going to regret all these but being the shithead stubborn person he is, he again ignored it...

That day Jungkook came home and was welcomed by Taehee ...he just looked at her for a few seconds and then went to his room without saying anything making her confuse but she thought that maybe he was tired so didn't point it out ...
When dinner time came, she went to call Jungkook but he said that he is not hungry and didn't eat even after so much persuasion from Taehee ...

When Taehyung didn't see Jungkook on the dining table, he too asked about him but Taehee told him that he will not come and the guilt inside him raised a bit more ...
The next day Jungkook went to his company and the first thing he did was to call the CEO of Lee enterprises, Lee Byeongho and asked him to come there immediately and then continued his work while waiting for the CEO ...
After 1 hour, Byeongho came to his cabin and sat on the chair ...

"What happened mr.jeon ? Why did you suddenly call me here so urgently?" Byeongho asked ...

" I called you here to ask you from where did you get the ideas about the designs for the clothing line we recently launched? I mean all of them are very unique and creative so I just wanted to know from where did you get the inspiration to create them ?" Jungkook asked and he didn't miss the way Byeongho started to sweat and his face turned a little pale ...

"Uhh ..I ..why are you asking all this after the launch? ..I don't think it's necessary now ..." Byeongho said hesitantly but Jungkook just raised one of his eyebrows indicating Byeongho to simply continue and not ask useless questions ...

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