Chapter 7

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That day Jungkook was completely numb ...he didn't react to anything happening around him ... fortunately, the meeting was a success and the deal was fixed but Jungkook couldn't bring himself to be happy ...
He could only think about how his hopes came crashing down his feet he was doing everything in vain from the start ...but the thing that hurt him the most was that Taehyung didn't respect his hard work ...two whole months and not even once taehyung bothered to inform him ...he could've stopped making food for him if only Taehyung said that he didn't want it ..if only Taehyung said that he doesn't eat it anyway ...he wouldn't have woken up so early everyday to make those dishes with so much love if only he knew that Taehyung doesn't even taste them ...he wouldn't have made a fool out of himself all these days ...
But not now ... From now on, Jungkook will not make any dishes for Taehyung ...he will not do anything which will involve Taehyung ...most importantly, he will not bother Taehyung anymore ...

It was 10:30 p.m. and Jungkook was still in his office, doing work or at least trying to do so ...
His eyelids felt heavy because of tiredness but still he was forcing himself to open his eyes and stay put on his chair as he certainly didn't want to go that house today ...
He had to attend four photoshoots and two meetings in the entire day and now his  head was throbbing in pain from exhaustion and all those thoughts that kept on roaming inside his head ...he groaned in annoyance and pain while holding his head ...
He placed his head on his arm that was placed on the desk and closed his eyes with a sigh and he didn't even know when he went into deep slumber still sitting on the chair ...on the other hand Taehyung was also in a similar situation ..the guilt he felt was eating him up ...he decided to wait for Jungkook to come back from work so that they can have a talk but Jungkook didn't come and this made him even more guilty ...he knew he did wrong and should apologise but it will only be possible if Jungkook came back coz he didn't have his no. yet ...
And that's when he for the first time realised how irresponsible and ignorant he is  towards his own's been so many days since their marriage and he still doesn't have jungkook's no. ...fuck, he didn't even once bother to talk to him properly expect for insulting and humiliating him ...
He kept on waiting for Jungkook in the living room and eventually dozed off on the couch ...

the next morning Jungkook woke up because of his alarm that was set at 5:30 ...he groaned while opening his eyes slowly as his head still felt heavy and his back was also aching ...he stopped the alarm and cursed under his breath ...

"Fuck ...I slept in the office ..damnit ..ahh, my back !! ...oh right , I must go back to get freshened up then return back here before Taehyung wakes up ...he is the last person I want to see now .." Jungkook muttered and stood up , took his blazer and left his office ...
He reached the mansion and went inside only to be met by Martha who was cleaning the living room ...if you are wondering where Taehyung is the answer is he is in his room ...well he woke up at 3 in the morning but still didn't see Jungkook ...he thought that maybe Jungkook was in his room, sleeping so he didn't disturb him and went to his own room and slept, deciding to talk with Jungkook in the morning ...
when Martha saw Jungkook in the living room entrance , she was shocked and confused ...

"Omo are here ?
I thought you were in your room ..but where are you coming from ? And why are you wearing your office clothes ?
Jungkook don't tell me you didn't come home last night!!!!" Martha almost screamed when she realised and Jungkook looked at her sheepishly ...

"Umm ..yeah ..I had some work to finish so I stayed there ..." Jungkook said as he rubbed his nape ...

"I seriously don't need you to tell me that ...I know why you didn't return home yesterday was because of what happened in the afternoon right ?
You didn't want to face him that's why you stayed there ...I know that ...but Jungkook this is bad for your health ...look at you look so worn out ..." Martha said looking concerned ..

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