Tall Dark & Very Handsome

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Olivia shivered a little from excitement as Ellie and Allen stepped onto the plane. She grinned as a hand reached out to help her up. Thinking it was Allen's she grabbed it and let the man haul her up.

When she stepped into the plane though, and the sun was gone from her eyes, she got a proper look at what face belonged to this hand. Her breath hitched in her throat as he flashed her a smile.

He was very handsome, with curly black hair and a clean shaven face. She couldn't help but blush as he brought her hand up to his lips. "Dr. Ian Malcolm." He grinned at her.

"Dr. Olivia Grant." She said slowly, trying find her words. "But you can call me Liv." She smiled as he pulled her into a seat beside himself. "Thank you." She said shyly.

"Of course." Ian smirked as he caught the look Allen was shooting him. If looks could kill, Ian would be dead, but that didn't scare him. "So you three, uh, duh up, dig up dinosaurs?" He asked in his smooth and velvety voice.

Ellie chuckled. "Well..."

"We try to." Allen said. Ian let out an animalistic laugh. It sounded crazy and absolutely ridiculous. Olivia couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"You'll have to get used to Dr. Malcolm. He suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, especially for a mathematician." Hammond spoke over the man's laughter.

"Chaotician! Chaotician, actually. John doesn't subscribe to chaos, particularly what I had to say about his little science project." Olivia furrowed her brows at the science project part. What the hell was on this island?

"Codswallup Ian, you've never been able to sufficiently explain your concerns..."

"Oh, ho, John, John, because of the behavioural system in phase space?"

"A load if I may say so, of fashionable number crunching ..." Ian grabbed Johns knee causing him to slap it away. "Don't, don't!" John groaned. I do wish you wouldn't do that."

"Dr. Sattler, Dr. Grant..." he turned to flash a smile at Olivia. "Liv, you've heard of chaos theory?" Ian didn't miss the glare both Allen and Ellie shot him. Nor did he miss the blush that crept onto Olivia's face.

"No." She said quietly. Ian raised an eyebrow.

"No? Non-linear equations? Strange attractors? Olivia, I-I refuse to believe that you aren't familiar with the concept of attraction." He flirted with her.

"I bring a scientist you bring a rockstar!" Hammond laughed to Gennaro who sat beside Allen.

"Uh..." The lawyer looked ready to defend himself but John gasped and pointed out the window.

"There it is!" He grinned. Olivia looked out to see clusters of mountains. They were a dark brown color with trees adding green tint. The waves of the ocean crashed down onto the shore, creating a mist. It was beautiful.



While everyone else admired the island, Ian took this as his time to get a good at the grip sat beside him. Her short red hair was pulled back into a ponytail and he could see freckles covering every inch of her neck and face. Underneath the freckles her skin was pale and beautiful.

What could he say? He had a thing for redheads. Her eyes were a dark green and they were enchanting. Drawing Ian in the longer he stared at them. They looked dangerous and dark, but all the more gorgeous. Almost like a... like a Velociraptors eyes. 

She was beautiful.



After a very bumpy and very amusing landing, they exited the chopper, and found themselves in a jeep, riding through something that looked sort of like a jungle.

She was in the back of the jeep, sitting beside Dr. Malcolm. Her brother was perched in the front in the passenger seat.

"So Dr. Malcolm, you say you deal with the chaos theory?" She asked. Ian turned to her and nodded.

"Yes I do. But uh, please call me Ian." She nodded and looked around her. "It's a very pleasant, uh, day isn't it?" Ian asked her, noticing how she was admiring the clear sky.

"Oh, yeah, it is." She grinned as the jeep came to a halt. "I wonder what Mr. Hammond doing in this park?" She noticed Ian's mouth was hanging slightly open and his eyebrows were furrowed. "What?"

"I think we may have just found out." Allen muttered. He reached over and turned her head with his hand.

With a gasp she stood up. "Holy hell." She whispered. Without another word, she and her brother jumped out of the car, leaving an awestruck Ian alone.

"Look at that." Ellie said, running up beside the two. Olivia swallowed hard and blinked, expecting them to disappear. No way this was real.

"That's... that's a dinosaur." Allen said in utter amazement. Olivia nodded along side him, not being able to find her words.

"Uh huh!" Ellie answered him, not really forming a sentence.

"We could tear up the book on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply. They're totally wrong. This is a warm-blooded creature." Allen laughed.

"This thing doesn't live in a swamp." Ellie added.

"This thing's got a... twenty-five? Twenty-seven-foot neck?" Olivia asked, finally being able to speak again.

"Brachiosaur? Thirty." John corrected.

"Thirty feet." Allen looked faint, ready to pass out at any given moment. Olivia watched in amazement as the dinosaur reared up on its hind legs and took a bite from a branch.

"Oh my God." She muttered, putting a hand up to her forehead. "Oh my God."

"How fast are they?" Allen asked, turning to John.

"Well, we've clocked the T-Rex at 32 miles an hour." With one sentence, Olivia's words were gone again. She wasn't normally speechless but my God this was a different occasion.

"T-T-Rex?" Ellie gasped. John smiled and nodded.

"Mm-hmmm." He grinned.

"Say it again." Allen said, grasping his shoulders.

"We have a T-Rex." Hammond laughed. Allen fell to the ground in sync with his sister, neither one really comprehending what the hell they were doing at this park.

"Put your head between your knees honey." Ellie instructed. Olivia didn't listen to her as she stared up at the animal.

"Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Dr. Olivia... welcome to Jurassic Park."

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