Wait A Minute

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Ian screwed his eyes shut as Olivia screamed again. "Fuck!" She groaned, turning her head to the side.

"We're almost done, just one more incision." Olivia nodded as she squeezed Ians hand. It was red and had fingernail markings all over it from where she had been holding it so tight.

"Alright." Ellie said. "One... two... three."

"Oh my- FUCK!" Olivia let out another gut wrenching scream before a sigh of relief. The pressure flooded from her arm and she already felt better. "Holy hell." She sighed.

"Feels better already, doesn't it?" Muldoon smiled.

"Hell yeah." Olivia said, laying her head back on Ian's chest. "I cold really go for another nap right now."

Ian chuckled. "Me too ankle biter."


Ian and Olivia were sitting on a couch as everyone else discussed ways to fix their current situation.

"How are feeling?" Ian asked.

"Well physically... okish. Mentally... yeah, no." Olivia laughed.

"Yeah. Me too." Ian agreed. "So what do you plan on doing when we get out of here?" He asked.

"Going to Sonic and getting a peanut butter cup blast." She sighed. "I really want one."

"What if I took you out to someplace better?" Ian asked, looking down at his hands.

"What?" Olivia asked. "Like on a date?" She chuckled.

"Yeah. On a date." Ian smirked, scooting closer to her. "You know... where I buy you a drink and we talk about ourselves and pretend we didn't meet on this godforsaken island. Maybe if it goes good you'll even come back to my place for some champagne." Ian shrugged.

"Dr. Malcolm are you... are you asking me out?" Olivia grinned. Ian nodded. "I'd like that."

"I like you." Ian said in the same tone. "You know... you have very pretty eyes." He smirked, tilting her chin up to look at him.

"You have a very pretty face." Olivia said without thinking.

"Thanks." Ian smirked as he pressed his lips against hers. It wasn't aggressive or heated. It was slow, the two savoring it for as long as they possibly could.

Ellie looked over and physically cringed. She hated what she was seeing. Yes Ian had shown some compassion these past hours but... Ellie knew he played the field.

John however was absolutely delighted when he saw it from the corner of his eye. He may or may not have planned this all along.

"People are dying." John practically bellowed, grabbing the attention of the two who were recently engulfed in what was turning into a heated kiss. "Will you please shut down the system?"

Arnold looked troubled, but no matter, he flipped down three switches and sighed. "Hold onto your butts." He said as the room went dark.

He flipped the main switch back on, but the room stayed dark. "Um..." On another computer, System Ready was flashing.

"It's okay. Look, see that? Look! It's on. It worked." Arnold exclaimed.

Ian pulled Olivia closer to him. "Wait a minute. What do you mean, "it worked"? Everything's still off!"

"Maybe the shutdown tripped the circuit breakers. All we have to do is turn those back on, reboot a few systems - phones, security doors, and half a dozen others - but, it worked. System's ready." Arnold grinned.

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