I'll be there

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4 years later~

Olivia was sitting on the couch, reading her old and tattered copy of Jaws. She had read it a million times, and watched the movie about the same amount of times. The phone brought her out of her little world.

"Hello?" She answered.

"G'day Olivia." The voice startled her. She hadn't heard from this man in four years.

"John? What the hell are you doing calling me at-" she checked her watch, "-6:00 in the morning?"

She heard him chuckled. "I see you haven't lost that temper. How's Ian?"

Olivia swallowed hard. She and Ian had gotten into a rather large argument about six months ago. Neither one of them had tried to reach out to the other. The only reason she knew he was even still alive was because of his daughter, Kelly. She would sneak a call to Olivia every once in a while.

"Ian what the hell?" She groaned. "It's not that hard to tell me what my own brother was talking to you about!"

Ian ran a hand through his hair. "Liv, babe, that was four years ago! Four whole years! Why does it even matter?"

"Because I want to know! I have the right to know!" She yelled at him.

Ian shook his head. "It didn't even have anything to do with you."

Olivia's jaw clenched and she stared up at him. He would be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little intimidated. "You're lying. I can tell when you lie." She snarled.

Ian sighed. "Just drop it, ok?"

She threw her hands up in the air. "No! I will not fucking drop it! It has everything to do with me and now my boyfriend is sitting her lying to me about it!" She yelled.

"Olivia." Ian tried but she shook her head.

"I don't understand! Why after four years of building a relationship do we always come back to this argument?"


"And why can't you just be understanding and realize that I miss my brother and want to know if there is any hope, he misses me to?"

Ian's anger was building and before she could speak again he yelled. "Olivia it's not that fucking easy! I promised him I wouldn't tell you because we both knew it would break your heart and neither one of us wanted to see that! I guess what I didn't see was the fact that your so damn nosy that you have to know every fucking thing that goes on!"

By the time he was done, Olivia was crying. He had never raised his voice like that at her. Not once had he gone off like that. To be honest it scared her.

For the first time in four years Olivia was crying because Ian was yelling. She didn't like it.

"Leave." She whispered.

"W-no. Liv I swear I'm sorry I shouldn't have raised my voice."

"Just go Ian. Go away."

Olivia tried to shake off these memories.

"Dr. Malcolm and I haven't spoken in quite a while." She managed to get out.

"Ah, I see." Hammond sighed. "Nevertheless, I have a job for you."



It had been six months since he and Olivia had last spoken, and she was all he ever thought about. He knew Kelly was calling her behind his back but why stop it? The poor girl missed her just as much as he did.

His thoughts immediately went to her when he got a call from John Hammond.

"I'll be there."

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