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The group made their was out of the bunker. They passed the  Velociraptor paddock and noticed a big gaping hole. Olivia swallowed a lump in her throat.

"The shutdown must have turned off all the fences. Damn it, even Nedry knew better than to mess with the raptor fences. Come on, this way." Muldoon grumbled.

As they continued to walk, Olivia noticed some faint rustling in the bushes. It took every ounce of courage to keep from screaming when she realized they were being watched.

"I can see the shed from here. We can make it if we run." Ellie suggested.

"No. We can't." Muldoon was quick to answer.

"Why not?" Olivia sighed and looks around.

"We're being hunted." She sighed.

"From the bushes straight ahead. It's alright." Muldoon whispered.

"Like hell it is."

"Run towards the shed. I've got her. Olivia you to stay here with me. They know you're wounded." Muldoon said. Ellie hesitated but Muldoon yelled at her. "Go! Now!"

Olivia watched Ellie run off. All she could hear was her heart pounding in her ears.



She made it into the shed, panting like crazy. "Ellie?" Ian called over the walkie.

"I'm here." She breathed.

"Where's Olivia? Is she ok?" Ian asked in a rush.

Ellie inhaled deeply. "Muldoon made her stay with him. The Raptors would have targeted her if she ran. They know she's wounded." She sighed.

It sounded like Ian threw something. "Damn it!"



They were surrounded, no way in hell to escape. Muldoon just chuckled. "Clever girl." He said as the raptor jumped on him, proceeding to kill him.

Olivia backed up. She kept backing up until she felt something cold on her back. She turned around to see another raptor staring dead at her.

"Oh shit." She muttered. The animal tilted its head, studying her. "Hey girl. Hey..." She slowly raised her hands, showing she held nothing. (Her hun had fallen off as her and Muldoon ran.)

"You don't wanna hurt me." She said to the animal. It remained quiet until it suddenly locked eyes with her. It was weird. The raptor didn't seem of any danger. "Hey." She cooed, stretching her hand out.

Hesitantly, the raptor let her lay her hand on its snout. "That's it." She grinned. "Good girl."

The raptures all snapped their heads in the direction of the storage shed as a loud noise came from it. "Wait... no!" Olivia groaned as the pack of raptors ran towards Ellie. "Shit."

Olivia started to run back to the bunker, trying her best to get there as fast as possible. Her arm had been scratched and irritated by the branches and leaves. If she didn't hurry back it would only get worse.

As she ran, she caught up with Ellie and her brother in the visitors center. "Ellie!?"


"Liv!?" The three yelled each other's names. Olivia jumped into her brothers arms. Happier than hell he was ok.

"What happened to you two?" He asked frantically.

"Oh well Ellie turned the power back on and I made friends with three Velociraptor's." She said, out of breath.

"What?" Allen's voice went up an octave.

"Yeah, you're friends tried to kill me. I shut one of them up though." Ellie nodded.

"It's just the two Raptors, right? You sure the third one's contained?" Allen asked.

"Yes, unless they figure out how to open doors."


Olivia practically ran into Ian when she returned to the bunker. "What the hell?" He questioned, grabbing her face. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

She shook her head. "No my arm just got scraped up." Ian groaned. "It's fine." She scoffed, pulling herself beside him on the table.

Allen and Ellie were about to leave to try and figure out the phones. He looked over at Olivia and grimaced.

"When did that start?" He asked Ellie.

"After we got them from the Rex paddock." Ellie sighed. "I tried Allen."

The couple left, leaving Ian, Hammond, and Olivia alone in the room. "I think I'll get a drink." Hammond commented.

Olivia and Ian sat in silence for a minute until Ian took her hand. "Where's Muldoon?" He asked.

Olivia looked down. "The raptors got him." She sighed. Ian nodded. "It was weird, Ian. The raptor... it didn't hurt me. It let me touch it, and ran off when it heard Ellie instead of killing me."

Ian furrowed his brows. "You we're touching a raptor!? Liv how crazy are you?" Ian freaked out.

"No I know, but it just felt like there wasn't any danger." She shrugged.

Ian's eyes almost bulged out of his head. "No danger!? The hell no danger!" He had grabbed her shoulders. "You could have died! You could have been fucking eaten for Gods sake!"

In a quick movement he put his hand up to his forehead, causing Olivia to instinctively recoil from him.

He just kind of looked at her for a minute until she started to cry. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Ian said, letting her lay against him. He pulled her almost into his lap and held her.

"I don't mean to cry." She sniffed into his shoulder. "I guess todays just been a little much for me." Ian nodded.

"Me too, Ankle Biter. I'm sorry I yelled." He rubbed her back as she calmed herself down. "It's been a lot for everyone."

Olivia nodded and pulled back. Ian furrowed his brows as she looked at him. "What?"

"Nothing. I just have a request." She said.

"Shoot." He nodded.

"Kiss me?" She tilted her head to the side.

Ian smirked and ran his hands along her face. With one hand on her neck and one on her face, he pulled her in. Gently moving his lips against hers, he started soft and slow.

"Thank you." Olivia smiled when they pulled apart.

Ian grinned. "I would have done it without you asking anyway." He shrugged.

Olivia jumped a little as the phone began ringing. "Grant?" Hammond asked, picking it up. There was a pause and he spoke again. "The children are alright?"

Another pause and he hung up. He instantly started dialing another number. He started talking very fast giving coordinates and such.

He hung the phone up again and turned to Olivia and Ian. "We've been saved."

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