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"Stop! Be still!" Olivia laughed, trying her hardest to flatten the hair on Ian's head. "It looks like a bird laid a nest in it."

"No one touches the hair but me." He complained. "You're ruining it."

"It was ruined from the beginning." She scoffed. Ian feigned offense and groaned.

"Fine." He whined. "Do with it what you will."

"Thank you." She grinned, using her finger to take through the mess. Finally she got it to stay down.

With a sigh she plopped back down into her seat. "Better?" Ian asked.

"Yeah." She nodded. They sat for a few minutes before Ian pulled out a flask and took a drink from it.

He offered it to Olivia who shrugged and took a sip. "Thanks." She said, handing it back to him. "Hey did you-." Olivia went quiet when she felt the car shake.

"Did you feel that?" Ian muttered. Olivia nodded, staying silent. She furrowed her brows as Gennaro ran passed them and to the bathroom.

"When you've gotta go, you've gotta go." Ian shrugged. The shaking continued and Ian shrugged. "Maybe it's the power."

Olivia shook her head, pointing at what she saw. "Unless they hired a T-Rex as their cable guy... it's not."

Ian snapped his head in the direction she was pointing and swallowed hard. "Oh shit." He mumbled.

"God, do I hate being right all the time." Ian whispered at the T-Rex stepped out of its enclosure.

"Ian... do not move. It's vision is based on movement and if you move you're gonna become a kabob." Olivia whispered.

"Thanks for the moral support." He whispered back.

Olivia practically jumped out of her skin when a flashlight was seen from the back window of the jeep. "What the hell are they doing?" She whisper shouted.

"Turn it off. Turn it off." She was gripping Ian's arm more tightly than she should have.

Soon the light shut off, probably because of Allen, but it was too late. The Rex had seen them. "Damn it. Damn it. Damn it." She frantically looked around, trying to find something that would help.

She saw a survival box in the back and started to rummage through it. Inside were two flares. She grabbed one and opened her door.

"What are you doing?!" Ian asked in a panic.

"Being the bait." She shrugged. She's stepped out of the car and lit the fuse. "Hey Rexy! This way!" She waved the flare, grabbing his attention and throwing it.

The Rex seemed to be look at something else though. Olivia turned to see Ian with a flare of his own. "Ian don't move!" She screamed.

She watched in horror as he ran with the flare. "Get the kids!" He yelled. When he through the flare he didn't stop moving and the Rex had locked him into her sight.

Olivia let out a yell as the Rex's tail hit her, flinging her onto the ground, but also right into the hood of the jeep. She felt her arm crack as hot collided with the hard concrete. Everything went black though as her head hit the car.


"Allen! Olivia! Allen!" Olivia stirred slightly at her name being yelled out. She opened her eyes and found that everything was fuzzy. "Olivia!" She saw Ellie's figure rushing over to her. "Oh my god your arm."

She looked down and realized a pool of blood was sitting around her broken arm. "W-where's Ian?" She mumbled.

"Over here!" Muldoon called from a pile of straw. "He's alive but wounded!" Olivia cringed at the sound of the T-Tex.

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