Whatever You Say

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Ian wheeled himself back into the room to see her crying. "Hey. Liv it's ok. You're ok." He pulled himself into the bed beside her and held her against his chest, brushing through her hair.

"I just want him to stay." She cried. "We've just been through hell and he leaves me. It's like he doesn't even care."

Ian grew angrier at Allen by the second. He was trying to stay composed. "No. No it's ok. He's just a dick." Ian mumbled into her hair.

Olivia let out a muffled laugh. "Where am I gonna go?" She sniffed, burying her face into Ian's chest.

"You're gonna come with me, and we're gonna sort all of this out." He said, rubbing her back.

Olivia looked up at him. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." He nodded.

5 Months Later

Both Olivia and Ian were much better. Ian was up and walking around, and Olivia had gained back most function of her arm.

"Thank you." Ian waved goodbye to the U-Haul man as he drove away. He walked inside to see Olivia walking around his house.

"Is that everything?" She asked as he sat the last small box down.

"Yep. All of your stuff." Ian nodded. "I guess Allen did have enough decency to send it all."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Let's just get unpacked."

After about 2 hours, the two had put up most of her things. They're really weren't that many.

"Ugh." Ian groaned, plopping onto the couch beside her. "My leg is killing me."

"I told you to sit down, but no. Don't listen to me." Olivia grinned, punching his shoulder. He threw his arm around her and sighed as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked, throwing a blanket over their laps. Olivia nodded and snuggled deeper into his side.

Ian decided to put on a Disney movie at Olivia's request. "Seriously? The little mermaid?" He scoffed.

"It's a classic." She shrugged.

Ian sighed. "Whatever you say, ankle biter."

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