Don't Die

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Ian had one shoulder around Hammond and one around Olivia as they made their way to the visitors center. "We have to hurry." Olivia said as she heard screaming.

"Liv... go." Ian said.


"No. I'll be ok. Go help your brother." Ian took his arm from around her.

"Thank you." She said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Don't die." She called over her shoulder.

"I'll try!" Ian called back.

Olivia made her way into the visitors center. She internally groaned when she saw her brother trying not to be eaten by a Velociraptor.

She practically threw herself in between the two. Allen nearly freaked out, watching her reach out and touch its snout.

"Hey. What did we talk about?" She cocked her head along with it. "We don't eat people." Allen was standing with his mouth hanging open. "Shut your mouth. You'll catch flies." She scoffed at him.

"Olivia... you need to move." He said. "Like... now."

She shook her head. "No this is the part where you leave." Allen practically jumped out of his skin.

"Leave you!?" He whisper shouted. "Are you out of your mind!?"

"A little." She shrugged, reaching her hand out to tell the other Raptor to stop moving. "Hey. Watch it."

"Allen. We have to listen to her." Ellie said, tugging on his arm. "C'mon. She knows what she's doing."

Hesitating, Allen let Ellie pull him and the kids slowly away. When the raptors were no longer paying attention to them, Olivia sighed.

"Asshole." She muttered, talking about her brother. One of the Raptors made a noise and tilted its head. "Not you."

Olivia tensed as she heard a loud roaring. She turned her head slightly to see the T-Rex busting into the center. "Have fun guys." She slowly backed away, letting the raptors fight Rexy while she got outside.

She ran outside, Ellie, Allen and the kids waiting for her. "Have fun on your death adventure?" Ellie scoffed.

"Shut up and get in the car." She said as Hammond pulled up with Ian in the back. She slid in beside Ian.

"Mr. Hammond, after careful consideration I have decided... not to endorse your park." Allen said.

"So have I." Hammond said, speeding off.

Olivia laid her head on Ian's shoulder, watching her brother brush through Lex's hair with his hands as she laid on him in the front.

"Are you ok?" Ian asked, looking at her arm.

"It hurts."  She sighed.


Soon they were back in the chopper, on the way to a hospital. Ian and Allen were sharing worried looks. Olivia was laying with her head in Ian's lap and legs in Allen's.

Ian was playing with her hair, trying to comfort her best he could. Her arm had started hurting again and she had fallen asleep. Ian looked down and wiped away a few tears that rested on her face.

"She'll be ok." Allen said. He sounded more like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else.

"Perfectly, uh, fine." Ian nodded.

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