Not Going Anywhere

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He had woken up after his leg surgery and immediately started asking about Olivia. "Where is she? How is she?" He bombarded Hammond.

"Fine! Just fine!" He laughed. "Dr. Malcolm... there's someone who wants to speak with you." Ian looked around Hammond to see Allen awkwardly standing at the door.

Ian nodded, signaling for him to walk over. John left allowing the two men to talk in private. "Dr. Malcolm-."


"Ian... I've noticed you and my sister have gotten along quite nicely. I assume it's your intent to start seeing her?" Allen looked down.

"It is." Ian nodded.

"Right. I just want you to know that she is my little sister. If you so much as scratch her... I'll break your face." Ian smiled at Allen.

"You have my word. I don't intend on breaking anymore hearts anytime soon." Allen raised an eyebrow at Ian's words.

"Let's keep it that way." He stuck his hand out for Ian to shake.

"I will."


She woke up, everything blurry, and not really able to feel anything. When her senses did come back to her, she heard light breathing and felt someone gripping her hand.

She turned her head to see Ian sitting in a wheelchair, his arm laying against her bed. He was holding her hand, dead asleep.

She smiled and rubbed her thumb over his hand. She sat there for a few minutes trying to comprehend what all had happened. When she shifted in her bed, Ian snapped his eyes open.

"I didn't mean to wake you up." She grinned over at him.

"No. No. It's, uh, it's fine." He readjusted his seat and leant down to kiss her on the forehead. "I was getting worried about you."

"Worry about me? That's a stupid thing to do." She giggled, pulling him back down to kiss him on the lips.

"I forget your tough as, uh, nails, Ankle Biter." He mumbled into the kiss.

When they pulled away, and audible cough was heard from the doorway. "We... we came to say goodbye." Ellie said awkwardly.

Olivia furrowed her brows. "I'm sorry... what?"

"We have to go Liv." Allen sighed. "We know how you are. Ellie and I have agreed not to talk about this. You won't agree to that."

Olivia shook her head. "You're damn right I won't but... you're just gonna leave me?"

"Olivia there's nothing we can do. But we do have to tell you this." Ellie looked over to Allen.

"You're off the team." He mumbled. Olivia's eyes widened.

"You're firing me?" She was almost shaking with anger. "You're fucking firing your own sister because I speak for what's right!?"

"Liv." Ian muttered.

"No! No this isn't fair! Where am I supposed to go!? My entire life revolves around your dig!" She yelled. "Firing me, is putting me on the streets, Allen!"

"I'm sorry Olivia. We have to go now." Allen turned with Ellie to walk out the door, leaving Olivia sitting there screaming.

"Wait! No! Allen you can't!" Ian had heard enough and followed Allen in his wheelchair.


"Grant! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He yelled as he neared Allen. "This is it what we discussed!"

"I know!" Allen said, turning back around. "I can't watch her hurt herself because she wants people to know about this shit."

"Yours sister is in there, laying in a hospital bed and you can't be bothered to stick around for a little while." Ian's voiced was filled with venom and anger.

"You don't know anything that I know. This little adventure just proved it." Allen said.

"What do I not know? Hmm?"

"She's not what you think she is." Allen's tone was warning.

"Then what the hell is she?" Ian was just as mad, and somehow through his anger, managed to stand up.

"She's not human, Malcolm. She was built in a lab. In a fucking lab." Ian was taken back.

"I don't... I don't understand." He mumbled.

"Our grandfather... his wife she died before they had a chance to have kids. He wanted children so bad. It took him years but after he adopted our mother... he made her. He worked on her for 30 years. When he was finally finished he was old. Too old to raise her. So he gave her to my mother." Allen looked down at the floor.

Apparently this was not the first time Ellie had heard this because she just nodded at his side.

"Does she know?" Ian asked after a few minutes of silence.

"No. And you're not gonna tell her. If she finds out she'll go crazy. It's no coincidence she can control those raptors. She was engineered from the same technology they were. My grandfather was John Hammonds boss. Hammond helped him make her." Ian fell back into his wheelchair.

"Oh my God." Ian breathed.

"I guess this means you'll be leaving her now." Allen sighed, punching the bridge of his nose.

"What? No. No, I'm not going anywhere. Hell, I can't leave her."

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