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Ian and Olivia walked side by side out of the dinning area. "Do you think we'll be able to convince him?" Ian asked her.

"John? Maybe... probably not." Olivia sighed. "At least more until someone looses an arm."

"Or moor." Their conversation was cut short by the sound of two kids.

"Grandpa!" They yelled. Olivia smile as the kid tackled the old man.

"They're cute." She grinned. Ian nodded beside her.

"Yeah. I love kids. I've got a daughter." Olivia's heart sank as he told her this. He had been flirting all day and he had a daughter which probably means he's married.

"Do you have kids?" Ian snapped her out of her thoughts.

"No but I've always wanted at least one." She said, shaking her head.

"Boyfriend isn't ready?" Ian asked, raising a brow.

"How do you no I'm not married?" She smirked.

He gently took her left hand, causing her cheeks to heat up, and brought it up to his lips like he did on the plane. "No wedding ring." He grinned.

She glanced down at his left hand and noticed he didn't have a wedding band either. She opened her mouth to ask him something but she was cut off.

John led them outside where two jeeps were waiting. They were positioned on a black line, that seemed to be a track.

"Aren't they lovely? Aren't they glorious, though?" John beamed. "These will be your transports for the afternoon."

"No drivers?" Gennaro asked.

"No. No drivers. They're electric. They run on this track in the middle of the roadway here. Totally non-polluting. Top of the line. Spared no expense." John explained.

While the little girl (who she learned was Lex) got excited over the video thingy, John pulled Olivia to the side.

"I see you and Dr. Malcolm are getting on quite well." Olivia nodded. "Good, well might I suggest you take the second car then?"

Before she could question it, John was practically throwing her into the car beside Ian. Much to Johns dismay however, Ellie and Allen slid into the front seat.

Ian wasn't very happy with this either. He was hoping he would get lucky and have the car to Olivia and himself.

The car started to move, taking them forward in their journey. They were nearing two large doors that had Jurassic park above them.

"What have they got in there, King Kong?" Ian snickered. Olivia elbowed his shoulder.

"The voice you're now hearing is Richard Kiley." Hammond said over the speakers.

"They really spared no expense." Olivia joked.

"We spared no expense." Hammond said.

"Right on the money, Liv." Allen said from the front.

"If you look to the right, you'll see a herd of the first dinosaurs on our tour, called Dilophosaurus." The man's voice called over the speaker.

Olivia's eyes went wide, and without thinking, she leaned over Ian to get closer to the window.

"Someone eager." Ian smirked, laying his hand on her back.

Olivia's cheeks flushed red but she played it off. "Shut it Malcolm."

Allen looked up into the tear view mirror and scowled at what he saw. He didn't like how Olivia was practically sprawled out over Ian's lap, explaining every plant out there. And he DEFINITELY didn't like how Ian's hand was rubbing circles on her lap.

"Allen." Ellie whispered. "Calm down. I don't like it either." She grimaced as Olivia laughed at something Ian had said.

Ian and Olivia continued to talk until they reached the T-Rex paddock. "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs." Ian listed them off on his fingers.

"Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth." Ellie added. Olivia grinned at her from the backseat.

"We'll try to tempt the Rex now. Keep watching the fence." Someone said over the intercom.

Olivia found herself leant back over Ian's lap to get as close as she could. They let a goat out into the paddock, he was held in place by a chain.

"T-Rex doesn't want to be fed, he wants to hunt. Can't just suppress sixty-five million years of gut instinct." Allen scoffed when nothing happened.

"Eventually you do plan on having dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right? Hello? H-Hello?" Ian said, leaning up to look into the camera lens. He exhaled, creating a fog on the camera. "Yes?"

"The Tyrannosaur doesn't obey any set patterns or park schedules. The essence of chaos." Ian grinned.

"I'm still not clear on chaos." Ellie tilted her head. Olivia shook her head in agreement.

"It simply deals with unpredictability in complex systems. The shorthand is the Butterfly Effect. A butterfly can flap its wings in Peking, and in Central Park, you get rain instead of sunshine." He explained.

Olivia waved her hand over her head, indicating she didn't get it. "Did I go too fast? I did a fly-by." Ian laughed.

"We missed it." Ellie grinned.

"Here, hand me your glass of water, we'll conduct an experiment." Ian looked over to Olivia. "May I?" He asked, touching her hand.

Olivia nodded, and suppressed a huge smile as he held her hand in his very large one. Olivia had a certain fondness for large hands with long fingers. She couldn't help but stare as he started to explain what he was doing.

"The car should be still, but that's okay. It's just an example. Put your hand flat like a hieroglyphic. A drop of water falls on your hand. Which way will the drop roll off? Which finger?" Ian asked.

"Thumb, I'd say." Olivia said. The water rolled off the back of her hand and Ian smiled.

"Ah ha. Okay, freeze your hand. Don't move. I'll do the same thing, start with the same place again. Which way now?" Ian asked again.

"Let's say back the same way." Olivia nodded.

As the water dropped Ian let out an exaggerated gasp. "It changed. Why? Because tiny variations... the orientation of the hairs on your hand... the amount of blood distending your vessels... Imperfections in the skin..."

"Imperfections on the skin?" Olivia smirked.

"Oh, just microscopic... microscopic... that never repeat and vastly effect that outcome. That's... what?" Ian asked.

"Unpredictability." Ellie answered.

All of a sudden, Allen jumped out of the car. "What the hell?" Olivia called after him.

"There! Look at this. See? I'm right again. Nobody could predict that Dr. Grant would jump out of a moving vehicle." Ian said, still lightly hold Olivia hand.

"Allen?" Ellie said, also getting out of the car.

"C'mon." Olivia mumbled, grasping Ian's hand tighter and pulling him out of the car.

"Liv!" Ian gasped as she practically yanked him down the trail that led to Allen and Ellie. "Chaos." He chuckled to himself.

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