Chapter 6

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What other things you want to do Mia, beside getting a tattoo?" He asked while cleaning her skin where the finished tattoo was, the dark ink over her milky skin.

"Kiss you." She whispered instinctively, without realising that she spoke out loud.

Jungkook stopped working and met her eyes, raising an eyebrow to tease her, the thoughts of tasting her soft lips started clouding his head.

On the other hand , Mia regreted those softly whispered words, regreted that she had been unable to contain herself and not give that answer. But deep down she started imaging how his lips would feel, his hot skin over hers, those strong hands touching and stroking...

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt the hotness of his body hovering on top of her , his hot breath falling on her lips that parted instinctively as getting ready for the invasion. 

In one second he had gone from working on the tattoo to standing almost all over her.

The hands that previously were occupied with the tools he had been working, now were roaming her body. One was placed at her thigh where he had just been working, soothing the skin there, and  the other  at her neck squeezing lightly while his look moved from her eyes to her opened lips.

Tension crackled between them, as they stood facing each other.

When he was taking too long to join their lips, Mia let out a protesting moan that showed how impatience and just when she expected to feel his lips kissing her, she felt him move off her, pulling away and  the cold air hitting the burning skin where his hands were placed.

"I'm not the kind of guy you think I am," he said, avoiding her gaze. "I can't give you what you want." Despite her silent protests, Jungkook left her standing there.

As he turned around in order to avoid looking at her, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had just made a huge mistake.

"That's not gonna happen Mia."

"But why?" She asked with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Because I don't want to start a relationship right now....any kind of relationship. "

"I never asked that from you. All I did..."  She stood up and  as quietly as she could, started gathering her things.

"But I know very well what you  will expect from me Mia. Now it's just a kiss but later will be more." He turned around, facing her because he knew it would be the last time he saw her.

"You don't know me at all." Mia spoke silently while all she wanted to do was scream and yell at him in anger and frustration for denying that kiss and also for admitting that he would never date her.

"Of course I do darling. " Jungkook smirked lazily speaking in a tone that Mia had never heard from him.

"You are the sweet good girl that wants to break some rules and go against the things she was taught to do all her life. The innocent girl that wants to be bad once in her life."

"That's not true." She denied.

"Yes, it is.  This rebellion of yours is just temporary, you want to try being bad and break some rules,  do all the things your parents warned you about and the that includes messing around with me." He concluded.

"You?  What the hell are you talking about?" Mia was confused how the charming boy he was just some minutes ago, turned like this, like something had possessed him.

"Come one Mia, I have you all figured it out. Having me is the ultimate step on your plan. The innocent good girl that messes around with a boy who is covered in tattoos, piercing and drinks alcohol. "

"A boy who screams bad just from looking at." Jungkook added with a smirk full of arrogance.

"What happened to you? Did you hit your head somewhere or what? What plan are you talking about?" Mia asked quickly,  not believing what she was hearing, it felt like a bad dream and all she wanted to do was wake up.

"Not at all baby. I just realised what you were doing just some minutes ago when you were begging me to kiss you." His eyes moved to her lips and stayed there while he spoke.

"The tattoo was the last thing you wanted from me." Jungkook walked one step closer to where she was standing.

"It was. The tattoo was everything I wanted from you."

"And I was not begging. " Mia raised her voice but could not stop the blush covering her cheeks and hated herself for that . Jungkook would think that  he was right and she was really begging to be kissed by him.

"Maybe not , but I want to make it clear that I won't be something you can have when you feel like it and than discard me when your little act of rebellion will end... when your parents tell you to do so."
Jungkook tried to sound cold , eventhough it took a strong force to stay put and not give both of them what they needed and wanted most at the moment ... that damned kiss.

"I don't get your attitude Jungkook.  It was you who came after me in the club tonight. " Mia faked a polite smile.

"After you? I just did my job nothing  mor, I was not the one who wanted to takes thing further, it was you Mia ."

"For God's sake ! A kiss doesn't mean that we are in a relationship.  People do more things nowadays without being in a relationship. " She laughed lightly while his eyes were pinning her down with an intensity that was making her insides melt.

With that said, she made her way to the front door. All she wanted to do was dissappear from that tiny space that was suffocating her.

"I will deliver this shirt to you and of course make the payment for your job." She spoke without turning around, suddenly remembering that she was still wearing his shirt.

"And something else." She added.

"No need to hold that long speech Jungkook, you could just say no. It's not like you are the virgin one. "

Mia's heart sank as she replayed on her head his words. She called her friend to pick her up and in less then ten minutes Mia left the dimly lit street of the small tattoo shop,  feeling a mix of sadness and relief.
Sadness because that was the last thing she expected  was Jungkook turning out different from what she thought him to be.

And relief because she got to know him better before falling deeper and ending heartbroken.

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