Chapter 14

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"Is there something wrong, Ms. Lee?" Everly asked as soon as she sat down in the café near her job. She had been working when suddenly Mia's brother called and asked if she could meet him and his mother. Since they were all outside her workplace, Everly had no choice but to have a quick coffee with them.

"What else could there be? Mia, as always. " Chris, Mia's brother, scoffed.

"Well, I don't..." Everly started awkwardly.

She knew how the relationship was between Mia and her family, but she could not say anything to them related to her. Everly was on Mia's side; she supported her decisions and understood better the situation she was in because Everly had gone through the same thing with her own parents. They were the same, failing to see what their children really wanted.

"We're here to talk to you about Mia," Mia's mother said sternly.

"We're very worried about her. She hasn't called us or answered our messages in months. Do you know where she is now?" She finished in one breath, the worry and sadness evident in her tone.

Everly hesitated, wondering what to say. She knew that Mia was happy with Jungkook and that they dedicated most of their time to each other and spent every day together for the past month since Mia moved to his house.

She also knew that Mia didn't want her family to interfere with her relationship or try to make her go back home. She was very set on her decisions.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say other than that she is all concentrated on her studies at the moment," Everly said,avoiding mentioning anything else.

"I don't have anything else to say; I had no idea she hadn't contacted you that long." She half lied because she knew that Mia had stopped talking to her family, but not for how long.

"That's hard to believe," Mia's brother Chris said skeptically. "You two are supposed to be best friends. How can you not know anything about her?"

Everly shrugged, feeling guilty for lying to them but also loyal to Mia. "We are best friends, and I know all that there is needed to,  but there are things she needs to decide by herself, to take her time."

Mia's mother sighed, looking disappointed and hurt. "But she has taken all her time; it has been more than five months since she left the house, and it is time to come back." Everly nodded sympathetically, understanding her mother's frustration.

After a short pause, she went on again: "We have missed her, Everly. We worry about her safety and well-being. It's been difficult not having her around, and we just want her to know that we love her and want what's best for her." Everly could see the genuine concern in her mother's eyes and felt a pang of sadness as she saw how much Mia's mother was hurting.

"I understand that you miss her, but Mia has just started following the things she wants, so give her some time to adjust to her new life. With time, your relationship will get to where it was." Everly placed a hand over the woman's trembling hand, offering comfort.

"No, Everly, you don't understand." Chris spoke up, his voice filled with frustration.
"Mia has changed so much since she left. She has this sense of rebellion and wants to prove that she can do things on her own, without our support, but she forgets that all her life she has been dependent on her family." Everly could see the detemination on his Chris' eyes and realized just how obsessed  he was the having his sister back.

Everly felt a surge of anger, thinking that they didn't really understand Mia at all. They had always tried to control her life, telling her what to do, what to study, and what to pursue.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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